• I know this is a HARDER sell to America than recycling, but it’s fairly important we reduce the amount of vehicles on the road. Switching to EV’s means cars not emitting much carbon while they run but they still need those batteries, they put more wear and tear on the roads which will need to be resurfaced more often. They are still going to be traffic. They are still going to encourage more highway widening projects which affect poorer communities disproportionately when they choose to demolish areas to put in more lanes. They still contribute to the erosion of available permeable land.

    Are they better than combustion cars? Sure! Absolutely, but they aren’t a magic pill and if they really aren’t, then it may be better to focus on reducing our dependence on personal automobiles in the first place. Let’s see more transit and rail. Let’s see zoning change so that we can build grocers and cafes close enough to where we live that we would rather just walk across the street than hop in a car.

    Edit: I forgot one of the main lines I was going to write. We always talk about recycling, but remember that it was the LAST resort of the three R’s. Remember those? Do these in this order, Reduce, Reuse, and THEN if you can’t do those, recycle.