Another week another thread!

What have you all been playing this week? Anything you’re particularly looking forward to in the short term?

    • This is also what I’m playing. I’m just over halfway and I am still enjoying it, but feeling a bit let down overall. I got sucked into the hype, for once, so that’s my fault. I wasn’t prepared for the game to be so linear.

      • 3 of the last 4 mainline single player Final Fantasy games have been extremely linear, including XV (once the plot actually starts it just railroads you to the end). So I didn’t really have expectations otherwise.

        I think it’s been paced pretty well so far, and the areas dont feel like literal corridors. Basically it feels lived-in. There are also enough interactions and occasional backtracking to keep me happy.

        But my favorite game of the franchise is X, which just has you following a path for most of it with some towns to break it up.