Another week another thread!

What have you all been playing this week? Anything you’re particularly looking forward to in the short term?

    • This is also what I’m playing. I’m just over halfway and I am still enjoying it, but feeling a bit let down overall. I got sucked into the hype, for once, so that’s my fault. I wasn’t prepared for the game to be so linear.

      • 3 of the last 4 mainline single player Final Fantasy games have been extremely linear, including XV (once the plot actually starts it just railroads you to the end). So I didn’t really have expectations otherwise.

        I think it’s been paced pretty well so far, and the areas dont feel like literal corridors. Basically it feels lived-in. There are also enough interactions and occasional backtracking to keep me happy.

        But my favorite game of the franchise is X, which just has you following a path for most of it with some towns to break it up.

      • Yeah. Some said it’s the best book they’ve ever played or the best game they’ve ever read. To be honest the beginning was a bit slow, but has really kicked in and the world they have crafted is very unique.

  • More Final Fantasy 14. I’ve started the Heavensward post-game content (I guess you can call it that?).

    I’m done with all the optional dungeons and raids you unlock after the base story, and now I’m continuing with the story quests that were added in later patches. There’s just so much time-wasting, back and forth bullshit, that it’s just a chore, though. Start quest in town A, go to town B for a short cutscene, go to town C for another short cutscene, go back to town A for yet another cutscene. Since you can teleport everywhere by this point, it doesn’t take long, but is just so boring. That’s why I’m constantly queuing for random dungeons and hang out in the Gold Saucer, basically avoiding the story.

    As for classes, I’ve mainly played Reaper, which is fun, and today started trying out Dancer, and had a good time as well.

    • Post-patch content in A Realm Reborn and Heavensward are both pretty rough. Post-patch content gets a bit better later on. Look up the alliance raid series’ and the raids and do those as well to break up the monotony.

      •  Poopfeast420   ( ) 
        2 years ago

        I have done the Alexander and Sky Pirates raids already, but I don’t know if there’s anything else I can unlock later.

        Alexander was kind of a chore, because the first 8 sections or so, were all just one or two terrible fights each, then back to a cutscene that almost takes longer than the fights. It did pick up in the final sections though, along with the story, so at least it ended on a high note.

        The Sky Pirate stuff was decent, although I couldn’t stand the story bits. At least here each raid longer, with multiple, real boss fights.

  • Deep Rock Galactic - I should have probably picked it up earlier. It’s such a wonderful co-op game with so many memorable, epic moments happening.
    Very charming atmosphere, too.

  • Been playing through Borderlands 3. I always loved the pretense and style of the older ones, but the shooting just never felt good enough moment to moment to stick it out. This one’s finally got it and I’ve been enjoying my time, even though the characters and dialogue are funny at rare times, and mostly pretty terrible.

  • I finally got around to playing the Portal series. I played 2 first (it was a free Games with Gold pick) and thought it was great, so about 20 or so puzzles through the first Portal now. I’m kind of surprised the series ended with one sequel.

  • Primarily playing Guild Wars 2 and getting prepared for the new expansion around the end of August! I’m also super stoked for Baldurs Gate 3 and going to jump in with some friends!

  • I’ve been seeing a lot of good stuff about Baldur’s Gate 3, but for a variety of reasons a bunch of other CRPGs I’ve played haven’t clicked with me. So, since I owned Divinity: Original Sin 2, I decided to pull that back out and focus on it for a bit to see if it got my attention this time. The very early start up trying to break out of the fort is a bit rough, but once you get past that it gets compelling fast. The tactics play out really enjoyably, and I really find it enjoyable to take bigger encounters, if I get stomped, and figure out the optimal positioning I can set myself up in to beat the odds on the next try. After a good few too many hours I’m finally off the first island and it’s starting to open up for real.

    This might have convinced me to the BG3 first and save Starfield for a while, even though that and FF16 both look damn good too.