The price of an individual YouTube Premium subscription is increasing by $2 to $13.99 per month in the US for new and current customers.

This price increase is live for new subscribers as seen on Instead of $11.99, YouTube Premium now costs $13.99/month. Meanwhile, it’s $18.99 if you’re subscribing from the iOS YouTube app.

    • It helps support creators more than ads, at least on an individual level; a portion of your subscription goes to the creators that you actually watch, or at least that’s what I’ve heard. Other than that, just YouTube Music and higher bitrate playback.

      • I wish some of that money found its way to small youtubers who don’t qualify for monetization and are just uploading for the fun of it. Those youtubers are my favorite since it feels more like the old YouTube or stuff like lemmy or whatever where people share without expectation of anything back other than just being excited.

    •  MooMix   ( ) 
      10 months ago

      You probably can, but I’m lazy ;) I like it. Got the family one so everybody in my house can use it. We listen to a LOT of music on youtube music in my house, and a few of the others like watching cooking shows and silly junk on youtube. There’s some pretty decent content. You can get by with ad blockers and stuff, but since I use the music app in my car and at work I prefer not to deal with all that.

      For most people, there’s probably not much reason to pay for it.

      Edit: Not happy with the constant price hikes though. It seems like the bump the price by a little every year or two.

        •  MooMix   ( ) 
          610 months ago

          This price increase sucks though.

          Yes it does :\ Lucky for us it doesn’t seem to affect the family package. They raised the price on that last year.

          Here’s hoping they don’t raise the price of that plan too.

      •  tlf   ( ) 
        310 months ago

        Depends on how much you pay for data. For my german mobile contract it is very nice to have content available offline. And the play in the background thing is very nice depending on the kind of video you wanna watch. I can see how those features aren’t the new sliced bread but they have their use cases

        • Those features make sense for people who mostly use mobile, however the price increases make it a lot less appealing even then. At some point people will realize they are paying more to play a video in the background or without ads than for netflix/disney or whatever people like these days.

    •  Reil   ( ) 
      10 months ago

      I got put into Youtube Premium when Google Play Music merged, so I think of it as equivalent to Spotify premium, but also: you can also upload your own music library, you get ads removed on Youtube videos, and offline play for both music and videos.

      It’s decently worth it if you reference Spotify Premium’s cost (and also I’ve been at 9.99USD/mo this whole time and not been hit with any price increases at all for some reason?)