The overall Lemmy stats haven’t changed as dramatically, but there has been an uptick in active users.

  •  Joshua   ( ) 
    811 months ago

    Users from all other instances can view these posts and comment on them. I think the main point of choosing a server is that your local page will be more relevant to you.

    I’m following 6 communities right now, 4 of which are from different instances because they just don’t exist on beehaw yet.

    Luckily from my experience Mastodon and Lemmy have both been very pro LGBTQIA+, probably because the haters can barely use the internet in general lol

    •  Pigeon   ( ) 
      11 months ago

      My experience so far has been good too. I’m glad I picked beehaw though because they’ve banned lemmygrad and so I don’t see those posts in the All feed. Although I guess I could ban it from my account independently anyway. But I don’t think Lemmygrad accounts can comment on beehaw communities either.