• If you want to talk about going from Reddit to Lemmy, probably lack of infinite scrolling, so I went ahead and made a Firefox addon called Lemmy Infinite Scroller. It’s 11 lines of code. It’s literally an addEventListener for the scroll event. Apparently it can take up to 3 weeks for it to be approved and end up in the Firefox Add-ons store, so I won’t link it here, but it’s coming.

    edit: A few hours later, it’s up to 40 lines of code because of handling race conditions. It should work well under normal use now but if people scroll too fast it could cause problems loading two pages ahead instead of one. It’s obviously not ideal compared to an official implementation but it’s something at least, unless it gets officially implemented in Lemmy before my add-on gets approved. lol

      • It’s a feature that makes the website more convenient for me to use. I like to work on software I know I will use myself, and then I share it with the rest of the world in case somebody else wants to use it too.

        I’m sure Lemmy will get optional infinite scrolling implemented with a better implementation than mine, but it was a fun afternoon project (started out as a quick 30 minute project before the race conditions) the day before starting my new remote dev job.

        I think more options and user choice is a good thing.