• Android. Version 11 was peak android and every update is a downgrade. Updating from 11 to 12 brought:

    • No performance upgrades
    • Apps no longer closing, just minimizing
    • Battery drains faster
    • Dumb UI tweaks (springing swipe etc.)
    • Removed options for notifications, vibration, share etc.
    • Weather widget stopped respecting dark theme to show some idiotic animations
    • and more

    Version 13 only doubled down on these changes.

    Constant nagging to update which you cannot disable, only postpone.

    And of course you can’t go back. Would love reimage it with some custom rom but I’m afraid some apps can stop working (banking, pay, who knows what else). Fucking infuriating.

  • Moving somewhere with solid reliable internet to somewhere without even cell reception.

    Back where I left I could download gta5 in probably 20 minutes. Now it took 20 minutes to download a calculator app.

    30% of the time my texts don’t go through without telling me they didn’t go through, so I just drive to peoples homes and talk in person or go to Walmart to make calls

    I’m fucking dieing. The only saving grace is I have a friend 2ish miles away with starlink. I set up an old phone to download files to a certain folder, then when it’s on LAN at my house to back up that folder over my local network to my desktop.

  • Before university I was a frontend webdeveloper earning 38000 SEK after university I had to downgrade to 34000 SEK to get the job I wanted. But with a degree I was able to get more and more over time and earn now much more that before uni, so it was still worth it.

  •  ipkpjersi   ( @ipkpjersi@lemmy.one ) 
    11 months ago

    If you want to talk about going from Reddit to Lemmy, probably lack of infinite scrolling, so I went ahead and made a Firefox addon called Lemmy Infinite Scroller. It’s 11 lines of code. It’s literally an addEventListener for the scroll event. Apparently it can take up to 3 weeks for it to be approved and end up in the Firefox Add-ons store, so I won’t link it here, but it’s coming.

    edit: A few hours later, it’s up to 40 lines of code because of handling race conditions. It should work well under normal use now but if people scroll too fast it could cause problems loading two pages ahead instead of one. It’s obviously not ideal compared to an official implementation but it’s something at least, unless it gets officially implemented in Lemmy before my add-on gets approved. lol

      • It’s a feature that makes the website more convenient for me to use. I like to work on software I know I will use myself, and then I share it with the rest of the world in case somebody else wants to use it too.

        I’m sure Lemmy will get optional infinite scrolling implemented with a better implementation than mine, but it was a fun afternoon project (started out as a quick 30 minute project before the race conditions) the day before starting my new remote dev job.

        I think more options and user choice is a good thing.

  • Control panel is always still there if you want the classic style settings.

    Not really. A lot of it has been neutered. Updates were moved to the settings “app” in 10. Now you can’t even manage printers without that stupid app in 11.

  • I never recovered from the 3g network being shut down.

    I had a great setup with a 3g modem & a 3g phone. sms messages from friends would come to my laptop when I was sitting at my desk, and when I was away would be forwarded to my phone. I had all sorts of commands I could execute on my server from my phone via sms. Home automation, media player, etc.

    I replaced the 3g modem with a 4g model from the same company and… no one would give me cheap sms-only service. Everyone considered it a “hot spot router”, so 10x the monthly fee for service. No way. (The REALLY frustrating thing there was that the 4g modem was much nicer from my perspective. Talking to the 3g modem took a few hundred lines of C. Talking to the new one was a 20 line shell script.)

    Also, 4g coverage apparently sucks here. I have to walk out to the front of the building to MAYBE get a signal.

    I’ve given up and switched to xmpp over wifi, which works great in some ways, but doesn’t replace everything I had working with the 3g setup.