Wanted to ask you about this article, how do you remember the early days of the internet (I was sadly too young at that time). Do you wish it back? And do you think it can ever be like that again? I would be very interested

    • And then you would openly answer that you were ten. And then a 16yr old would offer to date you on Runescape.

      I actually really miss topic-oriented chat rooms. I know they don’t seem to be liked/used at all whenever a site adds the ability, but back during AIM they were really the coolest.

      I thought it was so fun to just go see what kinds of rooms someone had opened that day, or sit and listen to people. I could talk to complete strangers about my hobbies and we would even learn from each other, and often continue talking for months to a year.

      I wasn’t exactly allowed to have friends, or in fact even speak to non-family, so the ability to socialize like that so often in my free time and then eventually come to know regulars at a favorite forum meant everything to me.

      This was also way before all this shit, when (at least in my neck of the woods) being as clear and civil as possible, accepting nuance, and providing viewpoints/links were considered far more important than “whoever incites the mob first doesn’t get doxxed.”

      I credit what debating skills I have entirely to the amount of time spent lurking on the forum and watching two specific users fight each other every time they met.