i’m sure with the influx of people we have enough of a community for this to be a thread, or at least people who are interested in veganism and vegetarianism and incorporating aspects of the diet/lifestyle into their current life. so yeah, pop off! share your struggles, experiences, good times, recipes, all that kind of stuff

    • For eggs, JUST Egg is pretty good and cooks and bakes just like it. Tofu scrambles are good as well (and usually cheaper). For baking, there’s an even wider number of options ranging from stuff like flax seeds to premade mixes to even just changing ingredient ratios and many many more

      • Scrambled eggs - replace with tofu scramble or JUST egg. I’d recommend the former since it’s much cheaper. Buy some black salt to sprinkle on your tofu. It’ll give it the signature sulphury egg taste.
      • Eggs for baking purposes - replace with apple sauce, flax seed, aquafaba (the water that you drain out of cans of chickpeas), or JUST egg. I recommend flax because you can buy in bulk and it doesn’t expire for a good while.
    • I still haven’t found any good egg replacements either.
      I’m either buying my eggs from neighbors who take care of the chickens themselves, or else I’m buying them from Vital Farms. At least they acknowledge that there’s a problem with how the industry handles male chicks and are actively investing in ways to change this.

    • As someone also mentioned scrambled tofu is a great replacement for scrambled eggs. Any type will work but silken works best in my opinion.

      That said though, you don’t have to cut eggs out completely to make a positive impact on the environment or animal welfare. Locally sourced free range eggs will be better than supermarket in those regards, and probably taste better too.