This question is a joke. Also, the mods should add a joke tag to allow dumb answers.

  • I would argue that nobody gives money to their church as a form of community participation. Rather, they give money in the hope that they can buy their way to salvation or as payment to ease their guilty conscience. Probably both.

    • I live in Utah. Mormons are absolutely required to tithe in order to participate in temple ceremonies. I’ve never been LDS, but my understanding is that the accounting for how much you tithe is carefully monitored. It’s also my understanding that you must participate in temple ceremonies to achieve admittance into heaven.

      •  meyotch   ( ) 
        211 months ago

        Your statements are correct about the practices of tithing and temple attendance. The things you mention are widely practiced among the faithful. My dear father and oldest brother attend their annual “tithing settlement” while I happily deposit an extra 10% into my savings.