Dead for over a decade, the iconic singer-songwriter has never gotten the same due as her male counterparts

    • Ngl I seem to only be getting more infuriated as the night goes on so if this seems unfair, it very well maybe, but did you consider that cock rock (the umbrella nirvana rests solidly under) is mainstream and soul isn’t and that might be why you don’t know who Amy Winehouse is?

      •  snowbell   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        I mean yeah, that is kind of how popularity works right? More popular things are more popular. I’m not really a fan of either of those genres though. The only reason I know who Curt Kobain is, is because of Family Guy. FWIW I looked it up and apparently they have had jokes about Winehouse as well.

        I hope you have a better night.

        • Lol I was having such an angry time I failed to make my point in any way, sorry about that. I also assumed you had a wider knowledge of this sort of music which is also my bad.

          I think your experience is more a sign of just how much of a signal boost Nirvana/Kobain still get just because people overhype them still (fully fair if people want to pounce on me for saying they’re a bit overrated, I wasn’t music aged at the time they were popular and I was when Winehouse was producing music)

          Amy Winehouse pulled hype to British Soul, which was a rather astonishing thing to watch happen.

          Nirvana defined/popularized a newer genre.

          Both should be remembered and respected, but only one really is… And it isn’t Winehouse.