the big stickied thread is getting cluttered with lots of new people and the “how was your week” thread isn’t a great fit for introductions, so it seems about time to make this a dedicated thread of its own so peoples’ posts aren’t getting lost.

tell us a little bit about yourself, folks. don’t gotta be too specific or revealing, just whatever you want to put out there. this’ll be a good way of getting to know all the people you’re now on here with

  •  caio   ( ) 
    31 year ago

    Hi all, another long-time reddit lurker moving over here. I’m wrapping up a CS program and have a couple python webapps I develop as a hobby. I’m generally interested in tech and sports – huge soccer fan ⚽

    I’ll try to be more active here and contribute to the community, looking forward to chat with you all :)

    •  The Cuuuuube   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      Hi! I’m a humble cube (he / him). I’m a devops engineer. I was looking for a Lemmy home thanks to Redditacting and behaving the way they have been. I wanted an instance that didn’t allow harmful propaganda to be propagated and this seemed like a good place

      EDIT: haha didn’t mean to reply to a comment rather than the thread. I’m leaving this as a testament to that I’m still learning this new platform