Don’t dox yourself. Try to limit your information to a Maidenhead locator or general area of at least a few kilometers in an urban area and a few dozen in rural areas.
I’m from South Hesse, in Germany. Some of the most regarded German comedians (yes, they exist) are from around here and we have a pretty diverse culture, both traditionally German and from immigrants.
So, where do you live and how is it?
Quebec, Canada. The land of poutine.
Things are okay but I feel like there’s still a bunch of issues here politically and culturally.
C’est amusant voir d’autres Quebecois ici :)
C’est certainement intéressant, je me demande pourquoi autant de Québecois.e.s arrivent ici
Je suis pas vraiment québécoise mais j’habite ici depuis plusieurs années maintenant