Some of the planned blackouts will be temporary, others plan to shut their subreddits down indefinitely in protest.

    •  anji   ( ) OP
      2 years ago

      I’m still a bit sad about Reddit’s seemingly approaching ending. I never cared about Twitter so moving to Mastodon was a snap, but Reddit has had loads of amazing content posted and I’ve enjoyed it for 15+ years. I love the Fediverse, and Lemmy is great, but it may take some time before these platforms and communities can replace Reddit for me.

      • I’d be a liar if I claimed that I don’t feel a bit sad too. But even then, I think that I’m more amused and excited than sad? (It’s a weird mix of feelings, I know.)

        And maybe because I’m getting old, I’m learning how to enjoy the brevity of the things. Reddit was born, thus Reddit will die; content was created, thus it’ll be lost; so goes on. Nothing shall last forever.

        That said, I think that most content will eventually migrate elsewhere. Some will be lost in the process, sure, but that’s a given when handling this sort of closed platform. Better now than later, as lingering on Reddit will only increase the amount of content that will be lost there.

      • Yeah. As much as I want to abandon Reddit completely if they go through with this, I’ll probably be forced to use new reddit and the official app because most communities probably wont migrate at all. There are many niche communities that I’m subscribed to, like related to a specific anime/LN series that’s not too big.

        • Give it time. The enshittification will continue. If they don’t leave now, maybe it’ll be when is removed. Or maybe it’ll be once they eventually ban NSFW content once and for all. Or maybe they’ll start requiring admin permission for certain actions. Or maybe it’ll be when ads are more common than posts and unblockable.

          I am very confident this won’t be the last stupid thing they do in the runup to the IPO and beyond.

        • Just for curiosity: which is the anime/light novel series?

          On-topic: I hope that other communities start migrating, once Reddit’s downwards spiral becomes too hard to ignore. I’m also considering to set up a few weaboo communities and one for conlangs, once I find a good instance for that. ( is already rather overburdened; perhaps someone could set up an instance for this sort of geeky stuff?)

          • There are many but a few that come to mind that I’ve been browsing a lot recently are:

            • r/KumoDesu : The final volume (volume 16) is coming out on the 20th and I’ve started rereading the series. I actually finished reading the WN a couple of days ago (I love this series so much asdfaklmsv).
            • r/IsekaiOjisan : Just plain fun
            • r/Mashle : Not small but still one of my favourites. I don’t watch shonen a lot but this is a great manga.

            I’ve considered hosting a couple of fediverse (and nextcloud) servers before but servers are expensive 😞
            I mainly want an exact alternative to r/Anime and r/Manga for the episode discussions and I also want r/WritingPrompts and r/Animemes because those are my gotos to kill time.

            • I follow the first two, too. Kumo is one of the few isekai series that “gets” a few things right, such as the grind to the top. (I fucking love the fight against Araba, it’s on DanMachi Bell vs. Minotaur’s levels of awesome.)

              I feel glad to find other isekai watchers/readers here because I’m considering to create an alternative to r/isekai, mostly to discuss less popular manga series (lv2 kara cheat, slow pig, The One Within the Villainess, stuff like this - people talk a lot about MT and Re: Zero and those kind of fall on the background). Sadly hosting is not viable in my situation either.

              • I watched a little over one season of Honzuki no Gekokujou and I didn’t find too interesting tbh (I only watched that many episodes because I was really bored at the time). It just felt like a “base building game” (I can’t think of any other analogy for some reason). Is there something I’m missing, like the anime not adapting the source material well? Because I see a lot of people who like but I can’t seem to understand why. To be clear, I don’t think it’s that bad but it seems more popular than it should be.

                • The beginning is a bit slow, I will admit, but the first season is a very good adaptation overall (later seasons skip a lot). So maybe it’s just not your cup of tea. I don’t think I follow the base-building analogy 🤔

                  As for its popularity, I think it does a lot of things really well, better than most other series, and the sum of it is superb.

                  • Characterization: there are almost no 1-dimensional characters. Even random side characters, or seemingly comic relief characters, have their own motivations and goings-on outside of what Myne (the unreliable narrator) sees. These are often revealed to the reader in side stories, and can recontextualize a lot of what’s happening.
                  • World building: we start with a straightforward medieval city. Then a small bit of magic is introduced. Then we find out about a bit how the country is governed, then more about how magic works, histories, politics…all in a satisfying way, because Kazuki-sensei planned the whole story from the beginning. Which brings me to:
                  • Foreshadowing: EVERYTHING is a Chekov’s gun. There’s a lot of stuff to find on a re-read, and the theorycrafting people come up with in the weekly chapter releases is a lot of fun too.
                  • Themes: this series does not shy away from serious themes. Poverty, children starving, sexual assault, the ramifications of a strict caste system, slavery…There’s a lot that sucked about medieval times. But also:
                  • Humor: absolutely great comedic moments. It’s rare for a book to make me laugh out loud. For example, there’s a scene where Myne hosts what is essentially a J-Pop concert and it’s just nuts.

                  I could go on…tl;dr it’s a great series!

                  • Looking back I’m not sure what I meant by base building game here. I usually use that to describe Tensura (I don’t like it personally. I dropped it after 1 season. It felt like there wasn’t any threat or anything interesting to work towards in the plot).

                    In the case of Honzuki I think the reason I felt bored was because the goal of the plot felt too vague. But maybe I’ll give it another try because apart from that, I 100% agree with all your points.

      • I expect most of the content to be saved at some point before reddit fully dies. Many sites from the early 2000’s no longer exist, but there are backups of forums online all over the place