the big stickied thread is getting cluttered with lots of new people and the “how was your week” thread isn’t a great fit for introductions, so it seems about time to make this a dedicated thread of its own so peoples’ posts aren’t getting lost.

tell us a little bit about yourself, folks. don’t gotta be too specific or revealing, just whatever you want to put out there. this’ll be a good way of getting to know all the people you’re now on here with

  •  soiling   ( ) 
    2 years ago

    hello. I’m a reddit lurker glad to potentially have more community, but we’ll see if I can stick it out. I think reddit persisted in my life because I didn’t log in almost ever :)

    anyway: I’m a software engineer, queer (they/them), near-vegan, and happily autistic. here to talk about surviving to 2040. interested in books, video games (currently 11 years into my longest rimworld save), spiders, gay memes, sustainability, trans rights, and noninvasive home tech.