Three former dancers allege the singer contributed to creating a hostile work environment.

  •  Lionir [he/him]   ( ) 
    11 months ago

    Looking at the modlog:

    21 days ago in response to a question thread:

    Who cares? source

    Gaywallet called it out:

    Please help me to understand how this can be interpreted as anything but rude and dismissive source

    They never responded. No action was taken.

    11 days ago :

    Right. Us stupid white people didn’t realize bad words existed! source

    I called this out:

    Your comment is in bad faith. Take a step back to consider how you interact with people. source

    They responded with:

    Your comment is racist and makes no fucking sense. Take a moment to construct an actual argument instead of just throwing around some bullshit terminology you read on the Internet. Or don’t reply to me again

    Source: modlog (because it was deleted)

    This resulted in a 4 day site-wide ban.

    Today, well, whatever this is - I see it as rage bait and just generally not a good way to start a conversation. It’s also worth mentioning that the username does not inspire good faith to begin with but that’s fairly minor. Do you still think that this should be reconsidered?