Employees say they weren’t adequately warned about the brutality of some of the text and images they would be tasked with reviewing, and were offered no or inadequate psychological support. Workers were paid between $1.46 and $3.74 an hour, according to a Sama spokesperson.

  • Cool. Using slave labor to train tools to strip the best parts of humanity away from us so that AI can do creative activities like poetry and art while we’re more and more stuck in a gig economy.

    Cool cool cool cool.

    •  QHC   ( @QHC@kbin.social ) 
      11 months ago

      so that AI can do creative activities

      Let me stop you right there. The current concept of “AI”–otherwise known as Large Language Models because that is really what people are referring to–is not capable of creativity. ChatGPT and things like it just regurgitate stuff they find. They can’t create something new and original

      • But that’s exactly what’s happening. Bloodsucking capitalists have decided that AI is a cheaper option than paying people a living wage, so creatives are losing their jobs.

        Instead of actually learning how to create art, shitbag grifters claim theyre “taking the power back from creatives” and doing nothing but stealing from actual creatives to make some sort of soulless synthesis, leaving actual creatives high and dry. For just one example, look at how many publishing outlets have stopped taking submissions because of the overwhelming flood of AI spam.

        All the while people are out here trying to make ends meet and are being forced into shitty, low paid jobs or gig work

          • I’m a DevOps engineer. I work with big technology every day. I am very definitively not a Luddite. But the way the capitalists controlling our economy view and want to use AI is harmful to us, the lower and middle classes. I’m not sure which part of my view is so stupid that it enters into psuedoscience, leading me to not even being wrong

                  • I’m not demonizing AI. I’m demonizing OpenAI, the shitty company. I’m demonizing CEOs and publishing executives who think they can pass off an inferior product vomited out by a robot record scratching the entire history of human creativity while we get stuck doing bullshit jobs for Uber, DoorDash, Fiverr, and the rest.

                    You think I have a position on AI that I don’t and it’s exhausting repetitively explaining to you that I don’t think AI is the problem, I think capitalism is. What part of what I am saying is not clear? Why do you want to treat me like a moron luddite for something I don’t believe and didn’t say? I’m more and more getting the impression that you and I are on the same page about this but you’re inserting a position onto me I do not hold.

                    That’s why I said this is exhausting. In fact you’re exhausting. In fact, I feel like I’m being a jerk and I’m starting to think you’re a jerk

      •  Hot Saucerman   ( @dingus@lemmy.ml ) 
        1611 months ago

        And here I must be crazy thinking if it is US company paying them, maybe they deserve the equivalent of US employees, no matter what the fucking local pay is.

        That “local pay” bullshit is just an excuse to exploit. Pay them what you would have to pay a US citizen for the same job or fuck right off. They don’t deserve less because of geographic location.