•  krnl386   ( @krnl386@lemmy.ca ) 
        2 years ago

        I like choice. I use Librewolf with Adnauseam for sites that are in the super sketchy category, and Brave for everything else.

        Using Noscript is safe, sure, but I’m not into 1992 web browsing, except at nerdout parties where we try using an old 486 laptop running Windows 95 and Netscape 4.01 to browse today’s web.

        My point is that there are reasonable steps and compromises one can take to protect their privacy somewhat. Achieving Snowden level protection is cool, but not my cup of tea; too much of a compromise and loss of functionality, sorry. Sure, you can drop a nuke (like NoScript) in retaliation, but that’s overkill and will break most modern sites out there.

        Brave, on the other hand, is based on uBlock Origin with actively maintained filters. It’s also 100% compatible with custom filters too. It’s also nicely deGoogled out of the box, so that’s definitely a bonus.