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An external image showing your user-agent and the total "hit count"

  • No, seriously, if you access something over the internet, you will leave tracks.

    It’s quite the difference between leaving tracks on only one provider’s servers (where your account is hosted), and leaving tracks all over the internet.

    There were a few comments under this post about how (easily!) this could be used to find out the IP address and though it the rough location of a commenter.

    •  Slotos   ( ) 
      111 months ago

      Lemmy proxying image loads won’t fix this issue at all. Unless you only ever access resources through it, which you won’t. It will even make the problem worse by exposing a single attack surface.

      Don’t trust the collection of random internet services to protect interests they are not set out to protect. You wanna hide your IP? Use VPN or Tor.

      I mean, Stallman has a point here.