Most of the time when people say they have an unpopular opinion, it turns out it’s actually pretty popular.

Do you have some that’s really unpopular and most likely will get you downvoted?

  •  Squirrel   ( ) 
    11 months ago

    Physically yes (at least in late teens), mentally no. Their brains have not finished developing.

    From a less biological standpoint, they’re also still (typically) living with their parents and attending school, largely insulated from the real world.

    But it’s really the brain development that kills the argument. Any argument about whether a teenager is an adult is almost guaranteed to revolve more around the mental/emotional aspects of adulthood than the physical.

    Let’s stick to unpopular opinions, not incorrect facts.

    • “finished developing” is a stupid red herring. Our bodies and brains never stop changing. There is literally no point of “finished developing”

      Our brains are largest around age 13. We get adult brains along with our adult bodies during puberty. This is a well-known scientific fact.

      If anyone is “insulated from the real world” that was a choice society made. Was it the intentional infantilization of young adults? Keeping them locked out of adult society means they stay mentally children. We created this problem. We can remove it.

      • Parts of our brains don’t finish cooking until your early to mid twenties. By the time you are 18 19 you are mostly cooked but a 16 year old still has a lot of developing to go

        • Brains don’t “finish cooking”… they change continuously throughout our lives (just like our bodies do)

          and even if there was some magical point of “finish cooking” that wouldn’t make people below that age mentally incompetent.

          you are jumping thru tons of illogical hoops in order to justify demeaning and degrading young adults. Stop it.

          • arguing semantics to win an argument must make you great at parties and nothing I said was illogical. Just because you feel you are right doesn’t automatically make other points illogical.

            Simply put your “constantly changing” is as much a hand wave over complex topics as my cooking metaphor and allows for significant development of cognition and decision making.

            frontal and parietal cortices aren’t developed until mid to late teens with maturation continuing for another decade. Maturation is an important part to consider because just because it’s developed doesn’t mean you are capable of using it effectively.

            The frontal lobe is generally where higher executive functions including emotional regulation, planning, reasoning and problem solving occur.