Final Fantasy 16 producer and 14 director Naoki Yoshida wishes everyone played games on the same console.

  • What exactly is it that prevents a PlayStation from playing an Xbox game?

    A dell PC can play the same games that an Acer can.

    Why can’t we have some sort of standardized console operating system like android where different companies can design their own console systems all of which can play the same games?

    Oh, is it simply because of capitalist proprietary bullshit? Okay that’s fine.

    • That model has been tried in the past and it didn’t work because no one was making any licensing costs from the games produced to pump into R&D to progress the platform. Remember the 3D0?

      The reason a PS can’t play an Xbox game is because Sony don’t have access or the legal right to implement the hardware or software environment that MS have patented for the Xbox.