• Sorry if this was answered elsewhere, but does that mean Beehaw automatically federates with new instances and only the explicit Blocklist can’t? I was toying with the idea of maintaining my own single user instance for stability but don’t want to run the risk of being excluded if it goes private in the future.

    •  alyaza [they/she]   ( @alyaza@beehaw.org ) 
      11 months ago

      Sorry if this was answered elsewhere, but does that mean Beehaw automatically federates with new instances and only the explicit Blocklist can’t?

      i believe we automatically federate, yeah. federation here seems to explicitly work in a way where if you just leave the “Allowed Instances” section blank (as we do), you federate with all instances except the ones you have explicitly blacklisted.

    •  alehel   ( @alehel@beehaw.org ) 
      311 months ago

      Oh, that’s an idea I hadn’t thought of. I have a private server at home. I could set up an instance for myself as long as I can continue to interact with others.