I’m pushing half a century in an industry that is not kind to old guys. I try to fend it off but every now and then it hits me. I’m pretty sure this is not unique to my life experience, or it wouldn’t have a term :-)

  • Very rarely. Cosmic insignificance, radical freedom, the impossibility to establish or confirm ultimate Truth, and the socially constructed nature of most of our subjective realities did feel overwhelming to me when I was younger. As I’ve sat with these inescapable realities over the years they’re as much facts of life to me as my inevitable death. These are things which are completely outside of my control, so I just accept them as aspects of my reality and worry about what my limited self can affect for myself and those around me. By chance, my being is a somewhat self-aware mind in a human body so I’d like to experience being that for as long as I can. I try to help others out when I can as well. I would like to see us move toward a fair and just global society for mankind, but that’s not something any individual knows how to execute or probably is capable of executing. I’m not responsible for the success of that project and really no one can be, but I want that to happen so I try to contribute because that’s literally the most I’m capable of. For my physical self, either I can survive using the resources and skills I’ve accumulated over my lifetime in whatever context my world goes or I can’t. If I can’t survive, then I’m not going to be worried about anything after I’m dead so the prospect of my death doesn’t really bother me and never has.