• Are there any neutral sources? Or at least more complete accountings? I only find Leif’s account and some transphobic accounts.

    The only “facts” I could find are that Leif had an AR-15 and maced 2-4 people (depending on the account). The transphobic one says children were maced.

    I’m just legitimately interested in what happened.

    • I know a few people IRL that were first person witnesses to what happened. From what they say, Leif was escorting families at the event when a guy in full crusader armor hit him with a megaphone, and Leif defended himself and those families with mace. Now, I’m a bit fuzzy on the other people involved, but there was supposedly some parent with his 12 year old kid who had a pepper ball gun pointed at Leif and a knife of some kind who also were involved. And yes, the KID had a pepper ball gun.

      Edit: the guy in crusader armor is known around the Cleveland, Ohio area as the Alt Knight who pretty much protests anything even remotely progressive. Pic below.

      Here is a (not that great pic) I snagged of him at a drag story hour event I was at yesterday. Looks like his mom bought him a new helmet lmao.