• Not having a Facebook profile. I’ve had someone initially refuse to associate with me on the basis that they couldn’t investigate my life beforehand.

    I just laughed and asked them how they managed to survive before the Internet (we were both old enough). We both got over the weirdness of the situation, built a robot, and were friends for a while before they moved away.

      • Well, you can have one now, if you want!

        I usually build around the Pi pico as a brain, L9110 motor controllers, N20 DC brushed motors, and a standard 18650 lithium cell, and some generic BMS + switch mode voltage converters. From there you can either add sensors and make it autonomous (more challenging), or just control it via your smartphone (easier). You can either make it omnidirectional with mecanum wheels, (more expensive) or turn/forward/back motion only with a differential drive.

        Along the way you’ll learn to solder and code, if you don’t know already. It’s a suitable beginner to intermediate project. Most of the work is knowing what cheap parts work well together (read and interpret lots of datasheets), actually assembling and using the robot is pretty easy. Usually I can keep cost under 50$, but parts are cheap here – certainly under 75$ in the West though.

        • Well damn… Now I have another project!

          I have a Pi 3 sitting around that I used to use for Octoprint, but when I rearranged my workstation I didn’t have room for the monitor so I just went back to SD carding it. I picked up an end of service Chromebook that I was going to dump Linux on and make it my new print server, so the Pi is free.

          I’m going to end up with my own little astromech Droid!

          • That’s a bit overkill in terms of processing power, but it will definitely work! It’s actually powerful enough to do machine vision and mapping!

            One thing to remember is that the current draw for the Pi 3 will be much higher than the Pi Pico. Some students have had battery issues using motors + the Pi at the same time. They got the batteries in a sketchy industrial market here in VN though, so they were definitely not rated for very high current. This is one reason I use the Pi Pico and low power 6V motors – it runs all day of a single very questionable lithium cell. Boots in milliseconds too, vs. much longer on Raspberry Pi + Debian, at the risk of comparing apples and oranges.

            Another thing that was annoying, is to remember to put nonpolar capacitors across your motors if building your own motor controllers (most modules you buy will do this for you). Otherwise, noise from the e.g. brushed motors will probably make the Pi reboot constantly. I had this problem pretty bad – it worked fine hand-soldered but when I got the boards from the factory it would fail often unless I put the caps in.

            Anyway, if you’re short on time and want to get the project done, there’s also a thing called the Motorshield that will let you very quickly build a robot from the Pi you have. There are also LiDAR shields if you want to try mapping and fancy autonomous navigation. If you want cheap, you can’t beat this motor controller module though (and you’ll just need 1 for a differential-drive rover):


            You can generally find it anywhere in the world!

  • All these stupid “ignore them to seem attractive because interested = unsexy”

    Not being a virgin anymore? Thats something good too.

    Having actively broken up a past relationship, knowing barriers.

    Hanging out with friends rather than you sometimes, which is really important “relationship time management”

        •  520   ( @520@kbin.social ) 
          1 year ago

          True, prior experience does bring prior knowledge of yourself, but for me, exploration has always been a key factor in a relationship, in all aspects. Like, what new memories did you make together, what unique things did you do together, etc.

          Exploration of the self should be a constant thing, and while it’s certainly no bad thing to have some basics checked off, that kind of discovery should be happening in meaningful relationships whether it’s your first or your hundredth.

          • exploration has always been a key factor in a relationship

            Nothing wrong with that.
            We have new things to experience in other stuff of life too.


            Exploration of the self should be a constant thing

            You can do it in many different surroundings and variables. Another situation teaches X better than another. Some situation might not teach anything.
            So, you can learn things about yourself in a relationship or after that never occurred to you before.

      • I don’t think I would want to date someone that was a virgin; they wouldn’t know what they actually liked or didn’t like (fantasies are significantly different from real life; the things you fantasize about may not work for you IRL), and I wouldn’t be interested in trying to guide them to a conclusion that may not align with my desires at all.

        I had a partner that did all of that for me, and in the end, we weren’t aligned. She ultimately didn’t get what she wanted, because we couldn’t reach an agreement. Or, we couldn’t reach an agreement until it was too late.

      • Close to where I was aiming

        Each and every person is born with a preference of how they want to be, including body size.

        Having a diet for weight loss when this is done in complete free will, safety and love for self should be absolutely celebrated. And the exact same is for having a diet for weight gain. As long as it’s for reaching what the person feels the most comfortable in being, that being (almost) any variation strong, thin or fat, it should be celebrated.

        What I was trying to say is the beauty of being happy in whatever body you are, or want to have. Everyone should be completely free to be the real them, and what they think suits them the most.