yeah but if you join, and your friends join, and they’re friends, you know what nevermind

  • I went to Reddit for the first time this month to speak up in a relevant thread about it and got a bunch of tone deaf replies about they‘d rather join Threads cause “its popular and you sound like crypto bros with the decentralised stuff” and also some “Lemmy was made by tankies” and so on.

    You know what, I don‘t care, don‘t want these short sighted people here, let them get screwed a few more times by the corpos if they enjoy it so much.

    • Yeah, I read stuff like that a while back before threads, but there was a turning point. Used to be Reddit was the place you’d downvote any post about meta, insta, or any other huge social media to hell. Now tiktok videos are upvoted to the frontpage.

      And Lemmy’s founders may not have views I like, but then again neither does Meta’s founders. At least with Lemmy if their views ever make it into code we can fork off of it

      • Funny thing is my comment was about kbin, I just mentioned Lemmy and Mastodon as an interaction, but that is their main talking point anyway, the other ones was “too complicated” and “looks shit” and some more. They clearly don‘t have any understanding of open source or forking, so I didn‘t even bother to explain.

        Also I don‘t even wanna know what ideology spez or Zuckerberg subscribe to, probably something fascist too and TikTok is also owned by tankies basically, anyway no sense in fighting that and I regret I tried, just glad I got this space with all of you to enjoy.

  • Watching this whole thing go down has made me realize that regardless of what people say, it’s not about the number of people, the quality of the experience, or anything like that.

    A lot of people actually want to be surrounded by “brands” and “influencers”. Some people even get a kick out of “hate following” people who they don’t like, which blows my mind.

    That’s why Threads feels so right to them. Threads has been designed for one thing, and one thing only: connecting companies to customers, often via influencers and eventually through traditional advertising.

    • Yup, there’s a reason all of the corporate brands immediately jumped over there, and most celebrities.

      The only reason I’d want to federate with threads would be for celebrities I follow, but even then I’m not sure if I’ll federate my instance with it. Definitely not creating a threads account by any means.

  • Honestly? I think a big issue with getting more people over here is kinda the attitude. This place is really elitist and condescending when the real reason go to threads or stick to twitter is cause

    1. Thats where their friends are
    2. The sign up+finding communities process is way more intuitive and 3) Folks over here shit on them a lot

    I like it here, its been my prefered site, but between the stale memes and elitism the Fediverse has been like the Linux of social media. Probably better, but not really worth it for the average user.

    Like, I know that wont win me any friends, but it’s the truth. People are usually going to go the path of least resistance, and Lemmy instances being confusing to navigate for an average user, or looking at and seeing they banned shitposts and not understanding that they can use a different one or spin up their own is going to turn people away.

    If you want a more niche userbase that’s fine, I certainly do, but it’s wild to insult them for being stupid for not joining while actively keeping them away lol

    Edit 2: Removed the first edit

    • This place is really elitist

      Folks over here shit on them a lot

      I feel called out. And I can’t even try and defend myself, if I’m being honest, best I could do is try to defend my elitist point of view, that people who don’t want to bother putting the slightest bit of effort really don’t have much to do here. There’s also the problem that instances can only grow so much before their home servers get strained with traffic and hosting costs soar.

      In a way, we are and will remain the linux of social platforms. Small, vocal, divided by the pettiest reasons and annoying to no end to “the normies”

  • Lots of my friends are going absolutely nuts trying to get into Bluesky asap because a bunch of big queer/left voices went there and they want to get in “before too many people join and it starts to enshittify”. It’s hard to compete with people that a lot of others want to follow dictating the direction with their influence. I must admit, so far my Mastodon feed is not all that interesting. Lemmy does entertain me, though.

  •  rbits   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    Ok but I don’t post on twitter. I only view posts on Twitter, and they’re pretty much all from relatively big people. So before I can move away, the people with big follower counts needs to move first. The only people on Mastodon that I follow are tech people. All the other people are on Twitter, Threads, or have just straight up left twitter altogether.

  •  LeTak   ( ) 
    01 year ago

    The same problem is in politics in Germany. They vote only for the big politicians who have already a big group of supporters and so a high chance to win. Like „ I don’t vote for xyz because they have only 0.5% of voters in Germany and can’t change anything by that“ . With this attitude they also grow very slowly.

  • The truck is not to tell them all the complicated shit. Just tell them it’s another social media site that you browse. Don’t need to tell them about the fediverse. Don’t need to tell them it’s independent. All that stuff is like a Naruto headband is to girls.

    They’ll discover all that stuff afterwards.

  • My feeling is that most of the social media platforms are just turning into cess pools of right wing hatred and evil. Reddit was left leaning, but their recent move just seemed obvious they want to go the way of twitter and be a shithole of a website as well. Just another money maker by exploiting the dumber people.

    • Reddit was left leaning

      No, it really wasn’t.

      Reddit was self-siloing and community moderated, so it was easier to avoid the worst of right-wing social media bullshit, but the place was (and is) crawling with anarcho-capitalists, techbro libertarians, and socons, and fascists with just enough brain cells to rub together to not get banned from the site.

      Moderated spaces tend to filter out the biggest assholes who can’t help themselves when it comes to blatantly and openly attacking people, but Reddit is not a moderated space. It’s just that it contains moderated spaces that became large – the unmoderated ones don’t grow at the same rate. But there have been fairly long standing, ongoing, and successful efforts to fash up mid-sized subreddits and turn them into cesspits.