Alt text: an ad for Github Copilot when viewing files in a github repo

    • It always starts small. The next step is, every time you commit code you get that then every time you commit code you have to disagree not using copilot.

      It has to be stopped when it is small.

      • So far you guys have complained about something I can’t replicate, and nobody actually tested except for me.

        And then a feature which has no real impact on real developers, just people stealing code

        Now you’re complaining about this. Seriously, it’s just nitpicking.

        I didn’t hear anyone complain when Firefox added pocket support and VPN options into their config.

        Again, really not a big deal at all… There’s a reason no real developers are complaining about this stuff…

        Also why doesn’t it have any place here? It’s a service GitHub offers related directly to development. And it needed a big red square around it so anyone even knew what op was referring to.

        Next thing we know you guys will be complaining that the submenu contains links to their other services like issues and such (someone actually complained about GitHub offering too many features last thread… And they got upvoted for it simply because they claimed Microsoft was using features to extinguish other services or whatever).

        The first guy complaining in the first thread didn’t even have much source code commits on GitHub (and it seemed like it was a free account). But was making a huge deal about everything

        If you’re genuinely upset, write about it on the front page of your repos. But, I suspect the people complaining barely use GitHub anyway honestly

          •  Auzy   ( ) 
            5 months ago

            Most developers don’t overreact about a service advertising it’s own services on a service, using non intrusive text which nobody would have noticed without a red square around it.

            The hilarious thing is I could go to any open source project and put a dozen red squares.

            The fact that no actual projects on GitHub are getting angry about this should suggest it’s an overreaction

            People including myself tried this strategy for Linux before… It’s still not year of the Linux desktop

        • I didn’t hear anyone complain when Firefox added pocket support

          People did. I did. Firefox’s Pocket integration is always the first thing I disable on a fresh install. You’ll always find people complaining about the tiniest things :-)

          • You’re possibly right… I don’t use pocket… But it doesn’t get in the way for me… But, firefox also has ads for their own VPN now too. But, I guess my point is, it really isn’t that intrusive.

            It definitely isn’t intrusive in the way that Windows 11 hijacks your chrome tabs into Edge, and takes over on reboot (I hate apple, but I literally went out and bought a mac a week after tolerating that)

      •  Auzy   ( ) 
        5 months ago

        Sure mate.

        It’s like covid where we got told we’re all going to die from the vaccine and there will be super cancers or whatever.

        Years later, and it hasn’t happened.

        Firefox made Google their starting page decades ago. They profit from it, have things gotten worse? No… Better stop using Firefox and move to edge. But, based on your comment, they should have by now

        This is literally a tiny non intrusive text just mentioning a service they offer. Everyone would be confused unless it didn’t have that red square

        Are vendors no longer even allowed to link to their own services now? Because in another thread, Microsoft literally got accused of this because they offered things like issue tracking in GitHub. It’s apparently fine for other vendors to do this though.

        May I recommend you complain about this on the front page of the github repos you own if you actually believe it’s a big deal?

        It might have even been there for months lol

  • Enshitification doesn’t really apply to GitHub because you aren’t really locked into GitHub. At least you aren’t so long as you consider the git part of it to be more important than the social media platform part of it. Repositories are totally interoperable with other services so the cost to jump platform is fairly low. At least so long as you aren’t relying on curling stuff directly from GitHub, which everyone knows is a terrible idea and very bad practice yet happens all the time anyway.

    The template and framework of this idea requires social media platforms be finger traps, with way higher costs to leave than enter.

    Doctrow himself is pretty clear about this. Interoperability is the way you fight back against enshitification.

    •  poVoq   ( ) 
      5 months ago

      Github is pretty much a social network for coders these days. If it was so easy to switch away or just not use their service, why is it that the vast majority of projects are hosted there? Git alone can’t be the reason, as you rightly say it isn’t any different from other git hosts. The relevant parts are the collaboration features and those are exactly the type of social media that enshittification applies to.

    •  utopiah   ( ) 
      5 months ago

      Doctrow himself is pretty clear about this. Interoperability is the way you fight back against enshitification.

      funny that’s not what I just read in his FT piece “There are four constraints that prevent enshittification: competition, regulation, self-help and labour. To reverse enshittification and guard against its re-emergence, we must restore and strengthen each of these.” published just yesterday.

      Also FWIW we absolutely are locked into GitHub… because others are too. That’s why M$ bought it in the first place, classic strategy from Redmond. I go use Gitlab, have my own Gitea instance, but in practice where do people talk on issues? Github. That’s why even entities like Mozilla or KDE that have entire CI and bug system outside of Github still often have mirrors there. Because that’s sadly where most of us end up being locked.

  •  LiveLM   ( ) 
    95 months ago

    Ublock > Pick Element > Click that > Create.

    I get that it shouldn’t be there but imo GitHub has made a lot more annoying changes to their UI than this piece of text

        •  poVoq   ( ) 
          5 months ago

          Yes, hence the quotation marks in “market”. But Microsoft is a company large enough to have an internal “market” for different departments and there is also the outward pressure from Mirosoft’s shareholders for whom the cloud business in the main driver of profits/stock value.

          Edit: Maybe to make it more clear: Yes there are no advertisers as in the classical “enshittification” model, but Github is subject to similar outside pressures that do not prioritize the needs of the Github users and thus a very similar dynamic enfolds.