I’m looking to get inspiration for my own writing. I need a hard sci fi series where earth (and earthlike worlds) are too rare, inaccessible, and/or previously spoiled beyond ability to sustain life. Bonus points if it is set on a multi-generational space station or starship without any other options and goes into detail about life support, living space, mineral mining and expansion of the station to accomodate a growing population, and daily life of it’s residents.

If anyone remembers Drifter Colonies from Titan A.E., that’s what’s in my head.

I’m looking for The Martian levels of realism, and I’m fine with a bit of “Unobtanium” clichés if they’re not core to the story.

  • Just a loose round up so far

    Seveneves Neal Stephenson
    Tau Zero Poul Anderson
    Metro 2033 Dmitry Glukhovsky
    The Children of Time Adrian Tchaikovsky
    Lucifer’s Hammer Larry Niven
    Pushing Ice Alastair Reynolds
    Record of a Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers
    Diaspora by Greg Egan
    A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martin
    The 100 Kass Morgan
    Interdependency trilogy by John Scalzi.
    Silo series of books by Hugh Howey

  • The Expanse series is kinda like that. There are other planets, but most of the action takes place on ships, stations, and asteroids that have been converted into stations. It goes into depth about life in space, and everything from engineering to biology, sociology, politics, and theology.

    • The topic is straight brought up several times, including most notably in book 2 about the Jupiter moons, but they all claim it’s borderline impossible because all this is super delicate system only made possible by Earth anyway. Which is later proven true in last book.

  • Doesn’t quite fit the bill as there’s a planet eventually but Children of Time by Tchaikovsky is excellent and half the book follows a generation ship. The other half follows a successive evolution of uplifted spiders. It’s reasonably hard sci-fi not Martian levels of detail about the science but very well written and enjoyable. Could be worth a go for some inspiration.

  • Read Dune if you didn’t read it it goes deep in to ecology and terraforming of Arrakis, Fremen surviving on it,water relations in environment…

    Another inspiration for you may be Scavengers Reign - animated series about surviving on lush planet that is really inhospitable for humans.

  • Not quite what you’re after but I absolutely love Diaspora by Greg Egan.

    It’s a different take on the same issues you’re asking about (not at first, but it’s not really a spoiler to say that it explores them whether or not it’s as necessary as your examples state), a take that leans more into different forms of existence rather than supporting our current existence in a different environment (but touches on aspects of that too, kind of). It’s mega-multi-generational while also not being that at all, depending on perspective.

  • The Interdependency series by John Scalzi portrays a society where some number of star systems, containing only one habitable planet which is at the very far reaches of the wormhole network, are connected together by wormholes. The society is called “the Interdependency” because every orbital habitat, dome and underground city is hugely dependent on trade with other habitats… without robust transfer of goods and raw materials EVERYONE would die… and this DOESN’T prevent stupid, short sighted, greedy humans from gambling with the stability of it all for their own personal economic and political gain. Fun books. Like most Scalzi, it’s not too deep. But it’s lots of fun.

  •  init   ( @init@lemmy.ml ) 
    5 months ago

    Children of Time series goes over this a little bit, especially in the first book. Colonists end up waking up early due to a malfunction and end up falling into a devolving tribalistic race to the bottom on their journey to the planet.

    EDIT: As for “hard” scifi, while I wouldn’t say this series is at the same level as The Martian or maybe The Expanse, it is pretty good with trying to keep things real, especially with regards to the human threads of the story.

    • It deals with a small fleet of survivors desperately seeking a new home planet, who live in constant paranoia due to the enemy being able to plant sleeper agents within their crews. I remember they had to mine asteroids for fuel.

  •  SeaJ   ( @SeaJ@lemm.ee ) 
    85 months ago

    The Mars series by Kim Stanley Robinson definitely fits the bill. The Ministry of the Future does too but it is more about the coming climate change disaster.

  • Lucifer’s Hammer by Larry Niven is a fantastic book that might be near what you are looking for. It’s about an asteroid impact on Earth, this removes a lot of the population and infrastructure and the story focuses on a few different groups of people as they make do with what they can find or scavenge, and then the resource battling that goes on between groups.

    A story line I remember well is on a group that found an abandoned neighborhood and were astonished to find that it still had running water from the nearby local dam/reservoir. They lived here for quite a while in their relative luxury until it just stopped working one day. A burst pipe in some other neighborhood had slowly drained the dam faster than they would have used it up.

    Anyway, it’s a great book because it feels so realistic as to what would really happen and the struggles people would actually be going through.

  • All tomorrow’s by c.m koseman may be interesting to you. It’s a short story that examines the state of humanity several billion years in the future after they have evolved to be unrecognizable. Some civilizations thrived and became better, many devolved and live tortured existances. Quite a few lose the ability to speak or lose intelligence in general.

  • Children of Time is nearly exactly what you’re looking for. The whole series doesn’t follow nicely with what you’re looking for but the focus remains on that aspect of things for lack of wanting to spoil anything. If nothing else read the first book, it’s exceptional.

  •  Bldck   ( @Bldck@beehaw.org ) 
    65 months ago

    Surprised no one has mentioned The Expanse series. A ton of world building in very different kinds of environments. Space stations, small ships, big ships, generation ships, asteroids, moons, planets.

    The environments are well thought out in how the residents would need to adapt

    •  SeaJ   ( @SeaJ@lemm.ee ) 
      35 months ago

      Cibola Burn especially was really cool with the world building. Things that you don’t really hear of in other novels or even think of like the fact that alien plant life would be completely inedible to us are dealt with in detail.