I’ve just started reading The Wager. I’m a sucker for ship based media, and I’m hoping this’ll be no exception.

It’s my third book of the year after previously reading both A Clash of Kings and How to get rid of a president

  • Getting deeper into The Expanse, now on #3 (Abaddon’s Gate). Finished the two prequels “Drive” and “The Butcher of Anderson Station”, the two original books of the series, and the “Gods of Risk” interlude.

  • Terry Pratchett’s Guards! Guards!. This is my first Pratchett book and I’m kicking myself for not picking these up sooner, like decades sooner. Like my life would have been different sooner :)

      • They come in groups, in a way, but they also refer back any which way, anyway. I recommend just the order they were written, it’s worked well so far. (about half way through, I think)

      • Guards! Guards! is a great one to start with. It follows Samuel Vimes, captain of the Night Watch (police force) of the city-state of Ankh-Morpork (loosely based on London) as he deals with a dragon the size of a house showing up in his city and demanding gold. It was summoned by a small group of people with dreams of becoming the shadow government, using a book stolen from the library of Ankh-Morpork’s finest (and only) wizarding university. The spell allows them to summon a dragon, directly control all of its actions, and dismiss it at will. Their plan is a cinch: summon the dragon, have it eat a few people, terrorize the city a bit, then find some young upstart with something resembling royal blood and who knows how to flourish a sword and have have him volunteer to fight it. Put on a good show, dismiss the dragon at just the right moment to make it look like he killed it, and watch as the city celebrates and crowns him king. Then all that’s left is to puppeteer him from the shadows to rule the city. Unfortunately for the Elucidated Brethren, as they call themselves, the only party less thrilled about this than Ankh-Morpork’s existing shadow government is the dragon itself, who doesn’t take kindly to being summoned and even less kindly to being controlled. It doesn’t take it long to slip their shackles.

        It’s now up to Sam Vimes and his ragtag crew of “watchmen” who run the other way when they see trouble to solve the case and find a way to get the dragon back where it came from before the whole city goes up in smoke.

        Going Postal is also good. It follows conman’s-conman Moist von Lipvig as he wakes up in a very comfortable chair the morning after he was hanged, still rubbing his neck, sitting face-to-face with Lord Vetinari, Ankh-Morpork’s despotic ruler. Vetinari explains that he sees potential in Moist, so he paid the hangman not to kill him all the way, and is now offering him a better use for his talents: that of being Postmaster of the city’s derelict Post Office. Should he refuse he is more than welcome to reenact what a crowd full of people will swear they saw happen to him. After mulling it over, he takes the job, and arrives at the Post Office to find the place full top to bottom with undelivered letters. He can hardly walk through the hallways. Its only two occupants are Junior Postman Groat, who could be Moist’s grandpa, and Stanley, who, while the word “autistic” doesn’t appear anywhere in the book, absolutely is. He knows everything there is to know about pins (“Last year the combined workshops (or “pinneries”) of Ankh-Morpork turned out twenty-seven million, eight hundred and eighty thousand, nine hundred and seventy-eight pins,’ said Stanley, staring into a pin-filled private universe. ‘That includes wax-headed, steels, brassers, silver-headed (and full silver), extra large, machine- and hand-made, reflexed and novelty, but not lapel pins which should not be grouped with the true pins at all since they are technically known as “sports” or “blazons”, sir”) and when he gets upset he has what the book calls “one of his Little Moments” (which are never actually described). As a person on the spectrum myself, I have to hand it to Pratchett – the portrayal is exaggerated a bit, but all things considered not inaccurate (especially compared to some… ahem other portrayals of autism in the media that we’ve seen lately that I could mention. I will never forgive Sia for making the movie Music.) Sadly Stanley is very much a minor character. Anyway.

        After the advent of the Clacks system (semaphore towers that claim to “send messages at the speed of light” – think telegraphs, but in a universe without electricity), the post office didn’t see much use, so it downsized. Mail just sort of piled up since there weren’t enough people to deliver it and throwing it away was illegal. Sleeping in amongst the mail, Moist swears he can hear the letters whispering their contents to him. He has visions of the post office in its heyday. This place is old, and it wants to return to its former glory.

        They’re both very good books and Pratchett absolutely deserves his reputation as a British humorist who, as one newspaper put it, “wants us to feel and think as well as laugh.” Both these books have a lot to say on the subject of government and they say it in the best way possible. Can’t recommend enough.

    • What s great introduction to the series! This was the first one i picked up as a kid, and I’ve read it (and the rest of the books) several times since! You’re in for a treat!

      • I love Vimes so much already!! Im listening to the audiobook of the witch series while gardening and love it too :)

        I prefer reading to listening. But gotta make do when I can’t use my hands to read

        • I’m in a phase where I am testing out audio books for the first time, where I will read the physical book in the evening, the audio book when I travel by car and read the ebook-version when traveling to avoid lugging the physical books around. So far I like switching around a bit.

      • Some parts of the mars series are definitely a slog, I feel like that’s almost inevitable with books that change to the perspective of different characters a lot. Some characters just aren’t as interesting as others or they suck as a person and I don’t really care about what they think. But so far in this series I’ve liked the ideas that have developed and I think the setting is really interesting.

        • Yeah, agreed. Blue Mars unfortunately had a little more of that the I remember from the other two. But the overall world building is impressive and interesting, and I don’t regret reading any of it.

          It is fitting that it has received a Hugo award, as Les Miserable by Victor Hugo definitely fits into the same category - he could waffle on about very uninteresting things for pages on end before returning to the interesting parts of the story.

          • Lol I haven’t read any of Victor Hugo so I wouldn’t know, but it’s at least been good practice for speeding up my reading by looking at what’s actually important. Kim Stanley Robinson does a phenomenal job of recounting geography (areography) and routes that I unfortunately have no point of reference for, but they honestly matter very little beyond “this is in the north, this is in the middle, this is in the south”.

            Ministry for the future looks good.

    • What a bizarre coincidence; that’s exactly what I came on to post!

      Finished Red Mars a few weeks ago, started Green Mars a couple of days ago. I’d never read any Kim Stanley Robinson before, and I’m enjoying it so far.

      Any other recommendations from your award-winners reading list?

  • Immune by Philipp Dettmer

    It’s an accessible book which provides a layman intro to the immune system. It even has pictures.

    Apparently there’s a cell that rips itself open and casts out a web of its own guts, which sticks to any pesky invaders!

  •  Nomecks   ( @Nomecks@lemmy.ca ) 
    4 months ago

    The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology Organizations

    I’m a huge fucking nerd and read mostly stuff like this. I’ve got a rousing book of user story mapping on deck next!

  • Just finished Dune Messiah. It was good, but I liked the first one more. Feel like it could’ve been shorter, while at the same time I feel like I would’ve appreciated more info on how the jihad affected people outside Arrakeen.

    I’ll probably start on either Colour of Magic or Gardens of the Moon next.

  • Your pick reminds me I really should get into some naval fiction. I used to love it on the screen (Hornblower, Master and Commander, etc), I’m a big fan of it’s sci-fi equivalents, I was into sailing as a kid and I am a total sucker for command drama stuff. Frankly, I’m shocked I’ve never read any naval fiction as far as I can remember.

  •  sh00g   ( @sh00g@lemmy.zip ) 
    34 months ago

    Currently readingA Separate Peace because I was convinced my high school self was just too immature when he labeled it as the worst book he has ever had to read… it’s not the worst book I’ve ever had to read but it’s not a good book either.

    Next up will probably be either The Guns of August or Teddy Roosevelt’s autobiography.

  • Currently I’m reading (if audiobooks count) Bookshops and Bonedust by Travis Baltree

    I’m enjoying it so far, I really enjoyed Legends and Lattes by Travis Baltree as well so when this one came out it was an instant buy