because it can be if people start to treat them differently when they stop looking appealing they may don’t understand it at first and later maybe have a depression and no plan b

  • As soon as they start to look smug about their appearances, I berate them heavily. For about a week after, I’ll make them wear unflattering accessories, such as snake skin chaps, or a boa made entirely from raw chicken. If they ever ask why, I yell at the top of my lungs about how one day they’ll be ugly and need a plan b.

    I hope this answer was at least as ridiculous as the question.

  •  1984   ( ) 
    2 months ago

    I hate that our societies are so superficial. It’s a huge advantage to look good. Its like a superpower that some people have. And it’s really unfair, because it gives them literally all the best things in life with no effort.

    That being said, I think gene manipulation will allow parents to make their kid good looking in the future, so everyone will be good looking.