• On one hand yes, but on the other hand, doesn’t it confuse the cell network? I think the IMEI is used for routing or some other similarly basic operation. Like the MAC address, but it’s for a larger area and more easily can cause trouble

        • No, there are no confusions. Changing the “id” like the MAC address or the IMEI has no impact on any system.

          Its just like a new device joins a network.

          For example, when a client device gets its IP from the dhcp server on a router, which allocates a random ip from a specific pool, it does not influence anything like ip packets routing…

          The real issue is that it is forbiden, BECAUSE if you randomize it you do not have an unique id anymore to trace back a specific device…

          Hope is more clear for you now!

          • Changing the “id” like the MAC address or the IMEI has no impact on any system.

            On the system none, yeah. But if you pick an IMEI that’s also used by an other phone, that is what can cause trouble, as I know. It’s the same as when multiple devices have the same MAC or IP address on the same network.

            For example, when a client device gets its IP from the dhcp server on a router, which allocates a random ip from a specific pool, it does not influence anything like ip packets routing…

            That’s because it is not random. The DHCP server keeps track of the addresses it has assigned to someone, and will never tell the next new client to use an IP it has already assigned someone.
            But if you set your IP statically and pick an IP that is used, or if you run multiple DHCP severs for the same network without coordination, then problems will come.

            • Yes you are correct!

              But in our discussion it was implied/assumed a random UNIQUE IMEI or MAC address.

              For example most of people have a pile of unused older phones which are NOT IN USE and you could use thoses IMEIs without issues.

    • Hardware in cars, like hardware in computers drifts in configuration over manufacturing time. Some cars from a manufacturer might have some granularity of tracking that earlier units off the line didn’t. Toyota does this with their Camry hybrids, for example.

  • Do not use Odysee. It is run by Nazis and I don’t mean Nazi by Lemmy standards I mean Nazi as in hating Jews. Half the comments people calling you a Jew in a derogatory sense. It is a safe haven for people who actively target anyone that is not white and strict southern Christian.

    • I comment all the time there and read comments all the time. I never see any commenters attacked for being Jews ever. Look, that’s not to say that Jew haters aren’t on the platform, and I find it very annoying that they seem to be brigading the platform in the comment space, but the place certainly ain’t run by Nazi’s. It’s just unfortunate that people like that have to ruin the reputation of the platform and turn people off from it. The comments seem far less moderated than the videos of the platform, because remember that moderation on the Odysee front-end does exist. I’m mostly saying this for the reader, since you probably already know this, but here is one example from the community guidelines:

      We don’t care about what you publish, livestream, comment, or include in channel descriptions for the most part. But we don’t allow the following: Content or posts that incite hatred or violence towards a particular group or person(s) based on, but not limited to the following: Ethnicity Disability Nationality Race Gender Religion Sexual orientation Social class/caste Gender identity/expression

      So you certainly can’t argue that Odysee allows this content on the platform. I’ve only once (one time too many, though!) seen someone actually directly promote violence. I slimed it (disliked), reported it, and told other people to do the same (sliming it enough hides the comment like a spoiler), and the other viewers did so. That’s the first time I’ve ever done that, but if you saw what he was promoting, you would probably think he should go to a mental ward. Thankfully, people did slime it, and it became hidden, before eventually being removed by the site moderators.

    •  ssm   ( @ssm@lemmy.sdf.org ) 
      5 days ago

      You are correct, and thankfully peertube exists and is currently not full of nazis (at least from the instances I’ve checked). Their federation model seems to be opt in instead of opt out though, so it’s hard to actually find content, unfortunately.

      The most populated instance I’ve found is https://tilvids.com/, which has a bunch of educational and tech videos.

    • Was very intrigued but this isn’t a serious alternative, they themselves refer to it as a toy multiple times on the website (even comes in it’s own giant toy box).

      • I’m not sure what you mean by “serious” here. Are you saying it’s fake in the sense that it won’t be sold? Or that the license plate would not actually legally allow it to on the road in France or Europe? Or some of the criteria, e.g autonomy, power, etc would make it realistically usable for any use case except literally playing in a playground?

        • That last one. If they have plates it should mean it’s technically road legal as far as I know, but in the same sense a dune buggy can be road legal but you couldn’t really use one as your daily driver.

          • So you’re saying they are legal, truly sold, but the volume? weight? autonomy isn’t enough?

            Sorry if you specified a criteria rather than an example that I missed. I’m genuinely curious as to understand because it seem you are dismissing it as useless for anyone rather than, like a buggy, something that one potentially useful but only within some context, to go with your example something one wouldn’t use in a city center but works perfectly on a beach.

            PS: full disclosure, I don’t have that car, not have any economical link to the company, only trying to understand the position.

            • Sorry if it came across as dismissive as that wasn’t my intention, I think it’s a great looking little thing, just that it’s not an alternative to a “real” car. It’s in a different (legal) category, can be driven without a license and can only access secondary roads etc (I don’t live in France anymore and not super aware of what category L6e can and cannot do but for example it definitely can’t go on the highway).

              If all you need is to grab your groceries etc from the next village, then yes it looks like it could do that. It does look like it’s legit but still in preorder phase. Realistically I think most people buying this either don’t really need a car or have more vehicles and are getting this for the fun factor.

              • If all you need is to grab your groceries etc from the next village, then yes it looks like it could do that.

                This is exactly the kind of usages I imagine the market target is. Namely I believe it’s :

                • NOT for going from a city proper to another, e.g NOT to go from Rennes to Paris where a “big” car or train would do, even less going further
                • NOT for going within a city, e.g Rennes, where public transport is rather well connected

                but rather, as you suggest, going from one small town to another, say 50km radius or less. It’s while one lives in the country side to go to the farmer market on Thursday. It’s to go from and to work from the suburb, without proper bus, even less tram, to work downtown, etc.

                I imagine it’s basically where most people who wouldn’t feel “adventurous” enough to use an electric bike, due to the bad weather or workload, could use something just a big bigger.