Hi everyone,

I’m currently facing some frustrating restrictions with the public Wi-Fi at my school. It’s an open Wi-Fi network without a password, but the school has implemented a firewall (Fortinet) that blocks access to certain websites and services, including VPNs like Mullvad and ProtonVPN. This makes it difficult for me to maintain my privacy online, especially since I don’t want the school to monitor me excessively.

After uninstalling Mullvad, I tried to download it again, but I found that even a search engine (Startpage) is blocked, which is incredibly frustrating! Here’s what happened:

  • The Wi-Fi stopped working when I had the VPN enabled.
  • I disabled the VPN, but still couldn’t connect.
  • I forgot the Wi-Fi network and reset the driver, but still no luck.
  • I uninstalled the Mullvad, and then the Wi-Fi worked again.
  • I tried to access Startpage to search for an up-to-date package for Mullvad, but it was blocked.
  • I used my phone to get the software file and sent it over, but couldn’t connect.
  • I searched for different VPNs using DuckDuckGo, but the whole site was blocked.
  • I tried searching for Mullvad, but that was blocked too.
  • I attempted to use Tor with various bridges, but couldn’t connect for some unknown reason.
  • I finally settled for Onionfruit Connect, but it doesn’t have a kill switch, which makes me uneasy.

Ironically, websites that could be considered harmful, like adult content, gambling sites and online gaming sites, are still accessible, while privacy-tools are blocked.

I’m looking for advice on how to bypass these firewall restrictions while ensuring my online safety and privacy. Any suggestions or alternative methods would be greatly appreciated! (If any advice is something about Linux, it could be a Problem, since my school enforces Windows 11 only PC’s which is really really igngamblingThanks in advance for your help

edit: did some formatting

edit2: It is my device, which I own and bought with my own money. I also have gotten in trouble for connecting to tor and searching for tor, but I stated that I only used it to protect my privacy. Honestly I will do everything to protect my privacy so I don’t care if I will get in trouble.

edit 3: Thanks for the suggestions, if I haven’t responded yet, that’s because I don’t know what will happen.

  • Here are some good rule of thumbs for work and schools:

    • do not connect to their networks with your personal devices, ever.

    • Only use work/ school devices on their own network.

    • Do not do anything personal on those networks. only do work/school related tasks. This means don’t log into any non school/work accounts.

    • If for some reason they don’t have a device for you but require you to use their network, then leave your personal devices at home claiming you don’t own one and make them accommodate you.

    You cannot expect privacy in these situations, and by going to the extreme lengths to try to get it then you will ironically just paint a bigger target on your back if any network admin cares. In some cases this can cost you your job or get you in trouble with the school.

  • Hi! Back in high school, me and a few close friends formed a small hacking group aimed at hacking the school WiFi. We succeeded, and reported the vulnerabilities we found along the way to the school. Our school had a policy where students who managed to hack something would be let off the hook if they reported exactly how they did it. I managed to land a job for the school district as a result of our fiasco. I don’t recommend anyone do that, but I managed to get lucky.

    Anyways, once we had access to the WiFi we wanted to get around the network wide filter. Proton VPN worked for a while, but quickly got blocked. Dual booting into Tails on school computers didn’t work until the 6.0 update. To my knowledge, it still works.

    However, for our phones, the thing that worked was changing the DNS. We found out the network wide filter the school boasted so highly about was only a DNS filter that resolved hostnames to a “blocked” page. Find a good PRNS and change your device’s DNS to match. If you want a search engine, try to find an unblocked SearXNG instance.

    Good luck!

    P.S. Don’t forget: Tor is portable on Windows devices :)

  • What worked for me at my old school was using a ShadowSocks proxy. Basically what this does, is it takes all your traffic and just makes it look like random https traffic (AFAIK). ShadowSocks is just a proxy. The description fits the Cloak module, mentioned below.

    I believe multiple VPNs support this, for me with PIA VPN it’s in the settings under the name “Multi-Hop” (PIA only supports this on the Desktop App, not on mobile).

    This technique is pretty much impossible to block, unless you ban every single VPN ShadowSocks Proxy IP. If that is the case for you (chances are practically 0), you could also selfhost ShadowSocks in combination with the Cloak module, however this method is a lot more complicated.

  • You’re going to get in trouble and it’s not worth it.

    Don’t do personal stuff on their network. What are you even trying to look at via the school network?

    If you’re concerned about privacy while doing school stuff, use another device, or maybe a VM. Do they provide computers for students?

    You might get off with a warning because you’re young (I assume you’re like 16), but bypassing network security stuff as an adult at work will often get you fired.

  • You’ll need to download the client off-network (have you tried the local library for that?) and put it on your PC. If you know how to use docker, you could set up the client via docker and dockerhub which I doubt is blocked, but you’d need to set docker up on windows which I have no experience with.

    You can also try wireguard on a non-standard port if there are further blocks. OVPN can also go over 443 which might help.

    Really though, it depends on how they’re blocking them. They could be blocking the protocol based on port or deep packet inspection, or they could just be blocking a list of VPN hosts. They could be doing both.

    If they’re just blocking hosts, you could set up a vpn relay on a host somewhere else, but that won’t help if they’re blocking the protocol.

  • I’m aware of a network that blocks Mullvad as well, but found a way around it. It went through just fine if I was using a custom DNS server. I used NextDNS for this, but I imagine it would work with Cloudflare or something as well (but I highly recommend NextDNS anyways). Hope this helps!

  • If you try to browse to the tailscale website does it work?

    If it does you could setup tailscale with an exit node at your house and tunnel your connection that way? Everything would then be coming from your home internet. I have had good success with tailscale being able to punch a hole through some pretty filtered firewalls.

  • Please read Charger8283’s reply. It’s the best one. You’re thinking small, how do I break out of their system, that will only land you in trouble. You should think big like how Charger8283 thought and break the system altogether.

    If you first find vulnerabilities and report them to your school, later when you find another one you don’t tell them about it until they ask. Keep it a secret and use it for a while. Just pretend like you weren’t ready to tell them because you didn’t understand it yet.

    Sometimes it pays off to play nice and stupid.

      • Yeah you already do. I’m assuming that you’re in a public highschool. This advice becomes bad advice when there is any money on “the table”. NEVER do this at a university, private, chartered school, and absolutely NEVER do this to the person who will be giving you a paycheck.

        I’ll repeat this to be clear to everyone reading this. Do not do anything on a computer or network someone else owns that they don’t allow when money you have, or money you could have gotten could be taken away.

        When I said break the system I didn’t mean become so smart at computers that you can just walk past any barrier in any code. That’s impossible. Breaking the system means learning to understand the people who enforce it and working with them to get yourself around it. It means talking to the IT person, getting them to like you, then getting them to show you how to get around a firewall or tunnel out of a network or at least letting you try without getting into huge trouble.

  • DNS over HTTPS is your best bet because they can’t Man In The Middle and replace it (DNS Poison) like good old DNS. They will still be able to see the IP addresses you are connecting to unless you proxy those connections. nativeproxy uses Chromium’s stack so it is much harder to detect. There are UI frontends for it if you prefer but I’ve never used them. ProtonVPN also has a stealth protocol that I’ve heard is good, though I don’t know too much about it.

    Good on you for trying to get around it. That kind of curiosity is a great way to develop your lateral thinking skills. You didn’t ask for a lecture and people giving you one should go back to stack overflow comments. If you want to take the risks of it, that is up to you and you are likely to fuck up. That being said, you aren’t the only person likely go get in trouble if you fuck up and, unlike you, IT will depend on their job financially. If you do it well enough and make sure you don’t get caught by someone seeing your screen or blagging around the school that you did it, that won’t be an issue.

    IT departments also read comments in threads like this to find the current trends of how students are trying to get around their web blockers so keep in mind that you will need to keep your skills up to date.