Want to idly chit chat but don’t want to do a post? Post here!

  • I had surgery a year ago to fix a torn labrum in my right hip, plus shave down a bone deformity. There was a significant chance that the surgery might not work - statistically the probability of success goes down the older you are, and I’m in my forties. Anyway I had the one-year follow-up with my surgeon today and he’s super happy with how I’m doing. I’ve noticed a significant decrease in pain and an improvement in functionality, and he says that bodes well for my long-term success. And he said I can increase my weightlifting more aggressively than I have been (I’ve been a little paranoid about hurting my hip), which was great to hear!

    • That’s fantastic news! Surgery is a big thing, it’s scary and there’s risks. You were taking a gamble with yours which means you could go through it all for nothing. It’s been a long year, but the official medical opinion is you’re doing great! Well done I’m so pleased for you 😀

  • I have 5 more weeks until I’m finally done with my college degree, but I don’t wanna do work. Like no, I don’t wanna read about copyright law in my communication law and ethics course, I wanna walk around outside in the beautiful spring weather (ofc I’m gonna do it because I literally have my cap and gown and it would be embarrassing to fail this late in the game).

    Also I get my hair done next week: dying my hair an ombre burgundy! Be prepared for a hair post when it happens. I’ve always wanted to dye my hair a fun color.