Never touching that shitty franchise again after this.

  • Ever notice that “mainstream” (read: US) game review sites give that franchise absolutely glowing reviews when tons of actual players think it sucks? Like, they consistently rate it much higher than many genuinely amazing games despite every iteration being basically the exact same goddamn thing. Not saying that “someone” is paying them off, but…

    Moral of the story, review publications are bullshit, always take what regular players think above what “professional critics” think. Actually, this applies without fail for literally every form of art.

  • Never touching that shitty franchise again after this.

    Why did you touch it before? It was always a pro-American propaganda tool, they didn’t start with the newest iteration, but rather with the very first one ;)

      • What does that lead to? Isn’t awareness and not buying into the propaganda hidden beneath microtransactions enough? You’re allowed to enjoy stuff even though you can do the minimum to not support it.

        I hate EA, Activision Blizzard and Ubisoft because they exploit people for money and generally make game dev hell for many workers. The fact that they also do propaganda for the CIA or whatever doesn’t change that I can’t enjoy their newer games anyway.

        The old games are pretty fun. Pirating (which I don’t condone, please don’t sue me daddy) or buying used is an option.

        • What does that lead to? Isn’t awareness and not buying into the propaganda hidden beneath microtransactions enough?

          Nope! The dopamine system can be self-aware and still exploited. It’s why people struggle to get off the god awful U.S diet despite knowing the harms of it.