googlycoffeemea ( ) 39•2 years agoYeah I prefer this style of interaction far more than the Mastodon style. I just never could get into the twitter style of social media.
Packopus ( ) 25•2 years agoSame. I like a forum-like style. I still think Twitter is a “shout to the void” and same to Mastodon. I like the… slower? Yeah slower, more thought out, and more interactive of this style. Like everything kinda has a purpose to exist.
Hagarashi8 ( ) 7•2 years agoYeah, i think reddit model is perfect balance between recommended content and what you are subscribed to. Glad things like this now in fediverse too.
ritchie ( ) 2•2 years agoAnd it was accompanied with their character limit. It is not enough to elaborate on anything, its only use is to shout out anything that you got mad about without thinking.
SaltyIceteaMaker ( ) 0•2 years agoTwitter/Mastodon: shout to the void, maybe it shouts back
Reddit/Lemmy: shout into a room full of people that share the same interest
NullRiver ( ) 7•2 years agoAgreed. I feel like federation is a lot easier to wrap your head around in this style too
naoseiquemsou ( ) 7•2 years agoI don’t understand why people want to follow people. I want to follow topics of interest. It makes all the difference.
Icarus ( ) 4•2 years agosame, I tried using twitter and mastodon several times but could never stand them
SaltyIceteaMaker ( ) 1•2 years agoWell twitter is unbearably toxic anyway
ch1cken ( ) 3•2 years agosame
sina ( ) 34•2 years agoHonestly Lemmy is much better than I thought it would be. My main problem is the lack of some niche communities that are on Reddit. For example as a GW2 player I get all my news about game updates & store discounts etc from the GW2 subreddit, but I don’t see Lemmy taking that over anytime soon, if ever. Maybe I’ll need to use a Reddit scraper for that, if I want to completely abandon the platform.
What I dislike about Reddit is the system of incentivizing karma farming. This leads to unhealthy posting behaviors that always bugged me. So far to me it seems Lemmy does not have that, so it’s a huge win.
datavoid ( ) 9•2 years agoNot seeing any reposts is honestly so refreshing
VioletteRei ( ) 9•2 years agoWell exist, we just have to revive it!
Best Buffalo ( ) 5•2 years agoIf it doesn’t exist, you get to create it ;)
darkfoe ( ) 31•2 years agoFeels like 2000’s message boards as I’ve said on a few posts now. It’s nice - I do feel like my contributions matter more so I actually hit “post”
Yes! I’ve really been missing message boards lately. I didn’t think I’d get to feel that joy again, and here we are! Just gotta keep the momentum going.
Blaskowitz ( ) 9•2 years agoI’m surprised my first whimsical drunken post got so high up in upvotes. I am also slightly saddened by it lol. I need to up the effort next time .
darkfoe ( ) 2•2 years agoTime to dig into the 'ole meme library! Old memes are new again on here haha.
cavemeat ( ) 1•2 years agoThis is so true, I’ve been going through my meme library posting stuff that is old, but still funny, to the main meme subs.
Tango ( ) 8•2 years agoI rarely post anything outside of the Fediverse because I can just FEEL whatever it is being leeched upon by advertisers and such lol
Shrek ( ) 28•2 years agoI have been trying to comment instead of just lurking. Its against my natural tendencies, but I want to see this place live, so I thought I would be the change I want to see in the world.
jakobmn ( ) 4•2 years agoSame here. I’m trying to do my part as well. I think I have commented more in a single day, than I would have done in a few years on Reddit.
dxcz ( ) 23•2 years agoI lurked because everything I had to say had already been said, or so it seemed.
Seems like, with less users, that’s less likely to happen. Been nice.
local_taxi_fix ( ) 3•2 years agoThis has been my experience with reddit since it’s so big. It’s been nice to feel like comments I leave here will actually be seen.
- argv_minus_one ( ) 22•2 years ago
I’m excited to see the concept of federation gaining traction. I can’t describe how disappointed I was when Jabber/XMPP failed, IRC faded from relevance, and Facebook/Twitter became the way to talk to people. Now, seeing everyone here and on Mastodon, I’m finally feeling a bit hopeful again.
animist ( ) 8•2 years ago@argv_minus_one @MrsEaves Honestly I am so glad something like the fediverse exists. This is so much more in parallel with how I try to live my life than some top-down centralized system.
Come to think of it, I’m surprised I didn’t learn my lesson with centralization when AIM died. I just accepted it as a natural part of the tech lifecycle and found a different centralized service. But seeing the decisions and actions of these companies over the past few years - platforms I trusted - hit differently, and hit even harder when I went to look for forums and RSS and realized my backup options were dying. You don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone, or pretty close to being gone. It definitely makes me want to support federation and indie web efforts - it’s much closer in spirit to the web I grew up with.
アルケミー船長 ( ) 21•2 years agoYeah as a lurker on Reddit (I use libreddit) I really wanna see some change for the better, Fediverses’ seem to be the future, we just need to get the general masses aware of its presence :)
CheshireSnake ( ) 7•2 years agoMy concern is lemmy in general is too complicated a concept for the average user just wanting to browse. I’ve already encountered 2 users on reddit recently who might have stopped because of this complexity. One said he/she felt like lemmy makes its users answer queries before being able to join a sub, and one just couldn’t get why there has to be different instances and was turned off because he/she couldn’t quite understand how it all works.
I’m not sure I understand everything completely muself, but I’m willing to try. I don’t think a lot of people do, tbh.
DudePluto ( ) 9•2 years agoLemmy will have to learn to hide the sausage-maker if they want laymen to enjoy their sausage. That is to say they’ll have to make a way for the everyman to interact without the barrier to entry.
Though, no one says Lemmy has to become a AAA social media site
Barbarian ( ) 5•2 years agoCompletely agree. I’ll be ecstatic if Lemmy hits the point where it’s self-sustaining. It doesn’t need to attract millions, but it needs enough active engaged users to post and comment so that there’s enough interesting shit here
BastingChemina ( ) 2•2 years agoI’m hoping that if the reddit 3rd app developer start to pivot toward Lemmy it might help
KoboldCoterie ( ) 2•2 years agoIt’d be great if there was a way to get involved without having to join a specific instance; that’s hard to wrap one’s head around for a lot of new users, I think (it certainly was for me). Even if it was a temporary thing and users of that method were prompted to migrate to an instance of their choice at some point, having an entry point that was simpler, even if limited in what it let you do, would be helpful.
ritchie ( ) 4•2 years agoI agree, this concept of decentralization is not really widespread. I consider myself informed in topics of open source and privacy, but I also needed to get used to how e.g. searching for communities work. It is definitely not as convenient as reddit, where you have a search bar and can seek out any community, here you need to browse several nodes to find the communities you are looking for. It would be nice if Lemmy caught the interest of many and things like this could be worked out.
アルケミー船長 ( ) 3•2 years agoYeah for sure, usually if it doesn’t “just work” or if its not convenient or they just “don’t want to” then it’ll be hard to convince anyone, getting all my family to move from standard SMS to signal was hard, there was no real barriers yet it was still too inconvenient to switch, even with all the benefits it offers. The two biggest issues I’ve seen so far is the “sub-lemmys” or just communities that exist, multiple similar communities can co-exist and have separate users, which isn’t good for growth. The second issue, and by far the most worrying currently, is performance and stability with the instances that currently exist. Already we’re seeing the main instance being brought down to its knees with all the new users. If reddit doesn’t reverse their API decision by the 12th (which at this point seems unlikely considering all the backlash already with no response) then I can’t imagine how bad it would be to see even a 10th of current active reddit users trying to join at once. Its an ticking time bomb with a very quick expiration date if its not addressed quickly. I do have hope however, although my programming experience is somewhat limited a threw a few bucks on the opencollective, which I suggest everyone do if you wanna contribute in some way and you believe in the idea of a more open free internet, circa the late 90s.
Disgusted_Tadpole ( ) English21•2 years agoMan, to me all of this smells the internet from the 2000s and I can’t tell how excited I am
Yes! I’m realizing how much I took that for granted when social media came on the scene. Not anymore. I’m not letting this version of the internet die out if we have the chance to bring that energy back.
SpacemanSpiff ( ) 3•2 years agoSame! I was a longtime Reddit user and I’m still learning the ropes here but am getting vibes of my Reddit subs as they felt 10-15 years ago. I hope we continue to grow in healthy ways here
SpacemanSpiff ( ) 2•2 years agoExactly! I’m really glad I found kbin first. I was along time Reddit user and this community is giving me vibes of what my Reddit subs felt like 10-15 years ago. I hope we grow in a healthy way here!
alphapro784 ( ) English1•2 years agoOh bring the good ol’ sweaty LAN parties.
torbjørn ( ) 20•2 years agoNo lurking? Okay, hi everybody. 👋😄
CraigeryTheKid ( ) 18•2 years agoI tried Mastodon and I just couldn’t do it. But I don’t use Twitter either. I’ve been using Lemmy/BeeHaw for 10 minutes and it already seems like a drop-in, minimal learning curve to reddit. this looks super promising!
Luminance6716 ( ) 5•2 years agoTook me a few minutes to figure out Lemmy, but agree it seems like a decent replacement for Reddit assuming the communities continue to grow.
LolaCat ( ) 3•2 years agoIn the same boat here, created a account on (rip) and never ended up using it. But i’m enjoying Lemmy a lot more!
thepiguy ( ) 17•2 years agoI’m commenting to boost engagement!
Corbin ( ) 12•2 years ago“I’m doing my part!”
Skotic ( ) 6•2 years ago“Service guarantees citizenship!”
AFallingAnvil ( ) 3•2 years agoI would like to know more!
HerrBert ( ) 4•2 years agoIt’s honest work!
dxcz ( ) 4•2 years agoIs this a TechnologyConnections reference? haha
thepiguy ( ) 3•2 years agolol, yes
XLRV ( ) 3•2 years agoSame, I will not lurk this time, and hopefully later too. 🙌
krimsonbun ( ) 3•2 years agobro same!
BigFig ( ) 2•2 years agoI’m doing my part!
neardeaf ( ) 17•2 years agoJust joined, reddit refugee here. I’m just trying to figure out how to sign up to all my related “subreddits” on here to see posts like my home feed
animist ( ) 4•2 years agoRefugee here too. Took me a minute to figure it all out, but the learning curve isn’t quite as steep as all the FUD tech articles made it out to be. I love the potential the fediverse has
muerwre ( ) 4•2 years agoGo to “Communities” --> “All” instead of “Local”. In case if someone is searching for that too.
mook ( ) 2•2 years agoI have a dumb question. Can I add more communities through jerboa, or do I have go to lemmy site to add communities?
muerwre ( ) 1•2 years agoIf it has “communities” list with a selector to show your the ones from other instances, why not.
The point is, software on your instance will fetch and send all posts and comments from/to linked communities (you can see the list in your instance webpage footer, under “Instances” link) and skip comments, threads and post from banned communities.
orbit ( ) 1•2 years agoSpeaking of this, has anyone found a good alternative to /r/videos?
Sewot ( ) 15•2 years agoIt ain’t much, but it’s honest work!
autisticaudioguy ( ) 14•2 years agoThis is the way
valkyrie ( ) 14•2 years agoWhile I’m sad about the Reddit api changes. I’m also happy about them if they make Lemmy popular, I’d love to ditch Reddit altogether.
This is where I’m at too. Reddit is my last non-Fediverse social media account, and I already had some reservations about keeping it. I don’t think I’m ready to delete it just yet, unlike FB/Twitter/Instagram.
CasscadingSymmetry ( ) 2•2 years agoI’m really glad we’re not all just jumping onto the next centralised platform. It makes me hopeful for this system.