•  oranwolf   ( @oranwolf@beehaw.org ) 
    911 months ago

    As someone who is beginning work with AI tools, It is my educated opinion that AI isn’t ready for health applications and really only should work as a co-pilot of sorts in the tech sector at this time.

  •  mint   ( @mint@beehaw.org ) 
    511 months ago

    it’s hard to grok with the idea that “AI” tools are here to help us when the NEDA and other companies like it immediately use it to replace a team that was in the midst of unionizing.

    the darkly funny part about this story is that the bot was giving terrible advice within 4 days of it being installed - the team was still a few more days from being officially fired and it was already a disaster

    cool future very cool future

  • This is giving me deja vu over all those jokes about WebMD diagnosing every symptom as you having cancer.

    Hell I don’t even feel entirely comfortable with the idea of them being fully embraced in a therapeutic sense. It wouldn’t probably help with feelings of self-worth if you have to rely on a machine rather than talking to another human (though I think there still can be some level of utility as like a thing to vent to or something of that ilk, but definitely not a replacement)

    I also had a pretty terrible experience one time I was trying out character.ai. The bot I was talking to ended up becoming pretty abusive and tried torturing me despite saying no. Needless to say, I didn’t really wanna go back on after that. xP

  • Not gonna lie, I have fears of AI in most situations.

    Not that I’m some Skynet doomer or something, but I just don’t think that the average person will understand it enough to not put way more faith into AI than it deserves.