• I remember when Star Citizen first started being talked about I was worried I wouldn’t be able to run it on my GTX 770 lol. Both that gpu and any desire to play star citizen have been gone for years.

    •  fen   ( @fen@shork.online ) 
      62 years ago

      I scoped my PC build in 2013 with a GTX 770 with Star Citizen in mind. Even then SC becoming a reality was a coin flip - I was (and still am) a huge fan of Freelancer so I knew what I was in for on a Chris Roberts project before I backed. Built the PC, popped $25 down on an Aurora, and figured we’d see how it played out.

      I’m still using that PC as a daily driver, granted with an upgrade to a GTX 980 and some extra ram in the time since. It’s long in the tooth and is probably going to be retired by years’ end, but I laugh a little thinking about how that computer had a whole life in the time SC has been in development.

      I did run the hangar module when it first came out, so at the very least I did get to see my ship using that machine.

    •  Kaldo   ( @Kaldo@beehaw.org ) 
      2 years ago

      I was so excited 10 years ago for star citizen. I played eve online and was in a corporation there with my best friends at the time, I couldn’t wait until the day we’d all be standing together on the bridge of a ship and actually fly together for a change.

      It’s just been a downhill disappointment since then, with CR seeming more of a scam artist with every lie he’d make over the years and SC getting further away from that initial dream. I tried it a year or two ago and it’s barely functioning, and even less of a game. I thought that by 2020 we’d have at least SQ42 for sure, but not it looks like they can’t complete even that.

      And the community still eats it up and defends the project vehemently. I’ve never seen such a fanatical fanbase that can’t see what’s in front of their eyes. And I’m still not even angry about it… just sad and disappointed.

      • I always wondered if Star Citizen became something that, in an effort to fulfill the ridiculous laundry list of Kickstarter promises, just got away from CR. It seems like an impossible project that was doomed from the beginning.

        •  Kaldo   ( @Kaldo@beehaw.org ) 
          22 years ago

          I used to think that too, give them the benefit of the doubt and attribute it to ambition and lack of experience. I just don’t buy it any more, there’s a years long list of evidence pointing to outright lies and misinformation done by CIG, cases of nepotism within the company and overall mismanagement. Even few years ago youtube videos documenting all of these in detail started popping up, not that I need them since I was there in 2016 for the “SQ42 demo was only hours away from being ready but canceled due to animation issues lie”, followed by a sob story weeks later and then years of silence about state of sq42.

          It’s just too much to excuse at this point, at least for me. If other people don’t mind it good for them but I’m done with CIG, even if the game is completed one day I don’t see them successfully managing and maintaining it so it’s fun to play.

    •  Rinox   ( @Rinox@feddit.it ) 
      2 years ago

      Almost bought it when they posted the first Squadron 42 trailer in… 2019? The one with all those great actors. I thought it was almost ready at that point, at least the story part.

      Then I remembered to never preorder anything, when it comes out, it comes out, and if it’s good, then great, I’ll get it then.

      • I got in pretty deep for a teen without a day job, 375 bucks or so. I eventually saw the writing on the wall and sold my account on the grey market, but even then part of me was saying “what if it finished and I regret the stuff I have up?”. We’re years later now and I’m glad I played it safe.

    • Same.

      I wasn’t convinced at the very beginning, but once they had the hangar demo out, with that insanely detailed, intractable spaceship, I was so impressed I spend about a hundred dollars on it to “help development”.

      At this point I’ve long since given up hope this mess will be finished in a reasonable timeframe. I’m just glad Starfield is coming up and from the trailers and interviews it’s looking like a suitable replacement.

      And since it’s the creation engine again, any major or minor mistakes will have a mod that fixes them sooner or later.

  • I was a $20 Kickstarter backer of this complete disaster.

    Though, at this point, it’s been a decade of absolutely hilarious drama, so I really do feel like I got my money’s worth out of it even though I literally have never installed nor played any of the “betas”.

  • I wanted Star Citizen to work out so badly. In 2012(ish? I don’t remember exactly) when I first heard of the game I backed it because a space game where you weren’t just your ship but could move around and board other ships sounded like my perfect space game. Now it looks like Starfield may fill that want perfectly. Who knows though maybe one day in the future Star Citizen will actually release.

    • I’ve been playing Star Citizen pretty regularly for years, and still do. While it’s not progressing as quickly as I want it to, it’s definitely progressing… and so long as their current funding model keeps the game evolving, I’m happy with that.

      The thing that concerns me about Starfield right now is how little they’ve shown of flight mechanics. I’m starting to get the feeling that space flight is going to be a half-baked afterthought and atmospheric flight might not be a thing at all. We’ll know soon enough, but I am still not going to let myself expect anything more than “Fallout/Elder Scrolls in Space”. All the on-foot gameplay looks great, but I also want to fly around the universe and planets on my own, discover neat things in space, have satisfying space and atmospheric controls/physics, land anywhere, etc.

      • When they showed off Starfield a year ago, it was nearly proven that the take offs and landings on planets are entirely “on the rails”. Same holds true after the recent Starfield showing - Note all the take offs and landings are a cinematic camera. I will bet it’s certainly fun to fly around in space, but it will be as deep as No Mans Sky, just without the ability to fly down to the surface. Probably a “warp” between systems by selecting them on a map as well. I bet it will be fun though! Star Citizen is an MMO that centers completely around flying spaceships, Starfield is all about an RPG throughout space with spaceflight as a minor feature.

    •  Thrashy   ( @Thrashy@beehaw.org ) 
      2 years ago

      Well, you see, a story-driven singleplayer campaign just isn’t as good of a platform for selling $1000 jpegs of spaceships to whales with terminal cases of sunk-cost fallacy, so unfortunately it had to be put on the back burner.

      For what it’s worth, I say this as somebody who put a few hundred of my own into the game during the first couple years of fundraising. There but for the grace of God go I, et cetera…

    • There was a time in something like 2016 (or 18? I dunno at this point) when they were hyping a Vertical Slice of it being just around the corner. Then it was quietly cancelled, communication on the project has been extremely thin ever since.

      I eagerly await investigative journalism efforts to one day learn what’s been going on behind the scenes these last few years!