magnetosphere ( ) 58•2 years agoMaybe I’m a dork, but I think“correlation does not equal causation” is actually a good thing to keep in mind.
I’m reminded of it every time a news story says something is “linked” to something else. I hate it when the word “linked” is used in this way. It’s often lazy journalism and/or a scare tactic. Saying that two things are “linked” implies a stronger relationship than may actually exist. I find it deliberately misleading.
Nalivai ( ) 38•2 years agoAlmost everything on the picture is a good thing to keep in mind. But the creator of the meme depicted it as a thought of a soyjack so there is nothing can be done, we now should abandon that logic entirely.
exponential_wizard ( ) 11•2 years agoIt’s at its worst when a paper describes how they account for correlation or designed their experiment to confirm causation, but someone doesn’t read the paper and says the line anyway.
You don’t need to read the paper but don’t try to act smart if you can’t be bothered.
Duamerthrax ( ) 11•2 years agoI mostly agree with you, but it’s often used as a phrase to shut down further discussion even when there could be an invisible third event that’s the cause for the two seemingly unrelated events. It’s gets over used by people who want to be quick to sound smart.
PeriodicallyPedantic ( ) 15•2 years agoThat phrase is used exactly to say that there is a third unseen force influencing both events. It’d be pretty strange to use that phrase to say the opposite.
Typically further discussion of the 3rd event isn’t relevant, because they’re not trying to find the cause, they’re trying to disprove a hypothesis.
Duamerthrax ( ) 3•2 years agoI’ve seen it used to end discussions. People repeat the wisdom of the phrase without understanding what you just said.
_danny ( ) 6•2 years agoThere could just be no connection at all. Like how there’s a positive correlation between shark attacks and box office sales for Nick Cage movies. There might be some relation between them, but more likely there is no link and it’s just random noise that happens to line up particularly well.
The reason why you might see it used as an end statement is because there is no data or clear logical link between the subjects which were correlated. It’s basically saying “unless you have some reason to believe they’re linked, you should probably assume they’re not”
Campi ( ) 57•2 years agoJust so I understand this correctly, is this a post mocking 20-something year olds by showing topics they believe to be niche, complex, or exclusive to an intelligent audience? And that by understanding these topics they are “propped up” compared to their peers?
pinkdrunkenelephants ( ) English38•2 years agoI don’t see anything wrong with any of it. Why is thinking or speaking of any of those things being framed as a negative?
raubarno ( ) 37•2 years agoThat’s popular science. On the one hand, it looks shallow, but that just shows that people are curious, and that’s okay.
AmoldyBuffalo ( ) 37•2 years agoI mean, a lot of these things are good things to consider/know about. For example, you do always have to consider that correlation is not necessarily causation. They’re not really considering the most deep of philosophy, but thinking is generally better than not thinking.
ProfezzorDarke ( ) 8•2 years agoI bet OP thinks that Ben Shapiro qualifies as “thinker”
queermunist she/her ( ) 35•2 years agoThose people are in their 30s now lol
massive_bereavement ( ) 20•2 years agoExcuse me, but some of us are already in our fourties thank you very much
VikingHippie ( ) 1•2 years agoElder millenials ftw! *high fives and then goes to sit down for a few minutes to recover *
massive_bereavement ( ) 1•2 years agoThousands upon thousands of years where the old tell the young: “take care of your back”, but the young never listen.
That says a lot about us.
AggressivelyPassive ( ) 15•2 years agoThat’s agist prescriptivism!
Cylusthevirus ( ) 33•2 years agoDid they just like, throw a bunch of random philosophy bullshit onto a meme? Feels like this was generated by an AI or something lol.
balls_expert ( ) 1•2 years agoIt’s like the normie maths meme where soyjak enjoys the monty hall problem and the infinite room hotel but hasn’t heard of the boring old theorems people learn in college
pythonoob ( ) 25•2 years agoSounds like you don’t like thought so you make fun of those that at least try.
This sounds like the epidemy of weaponized ignorance.
Gerbler ( ) 13•2 years agoEpitome
pinkdrunkenelephants ( ) English1•2 years agoThat’s the joke, silly
ShustOne ( ) 13•2 years agoFor me the meme is that most of these are the very tip of the philosophy and thinking iceberg. And that’s fine. What’s not fine is taking those basic concepts and trying to use them as defeaters for everything. I think this is what it’s poking fun at.
noodle ( ) 5•2 years agoExactly. It’s taking the piss out off wannabe “deep thinkers” who’ve speed ran philosophy 101 videos on Youtube. Being well read isn’t the joke. The joke is the neckbeards who have to smugly let everyone know that they read a Wikipedia article.
Ironically, this stereotype probably fits most of the ones who are kicking off. Hell, it’s essentially a profile of me. 10 years ago I was that guy saying “hey have you heard about iambic pentameter?”. That’s why I laughed so hard lmao
pinkdrunkenelephants ( ) English2•2 years agoBeing that kind of person isn’t bad or a negative though, and framing being confident in having knowledge as a negative is what drives tyranny, discourages education and critical thinking, enables propaganda to be so effective, and destroys society.
That guy smugly bragging about reading a Wiki article could have legitimately never crossed it before and was genuinely excited in it for the sake of it, and here you are destroying legitimate intellectual curiosity just because society told you that was a no-no. Who’s really more shameful?
noodle ( ) English1•2 years agoYou’re taking this way too personally lol
Being intelligent isn’t the joke. It’s putting on the facade of being well read that so many nerdy 20 somethings do.
Society isnt saying don’t be smart. It’s saying be less of a sweaty douchebag. You can be nerdy and fun to be around. It’s not mutually exclusive.
If my comment destroys your intellectual curiosity, then you never had any.
pinkdrunkenelephants ( ) English1•2 years agoBut it is about being intelligent, because people who use those terms are using them in earnest, you just accuse them of trying to sound smart because you want to silence them and make them feel bad for challenging or correcting you, and it works.
People like you destroy intellectual curiosity by doing that all the time, and not just to me. I’ve had to fight to regain what little I was able to, because of people like you. Anti-intellectualism is NOT okay. It is very much its own kind of bigotry, and extremely dangerous.
Society absolutely does tell people not to be smart and it does so largely through people like you. The only way nerdy people are fun to be around to you is when they don’t show it, or only enough to benefit you and certainly never to expose the fact that you don’t know what you’re talking about.
And I’m tired of it. I’m tired of having to walk on eggshells around people like you, shut the fuck up and deal with it when you’re told with evidence you’re wrong.
ShustOne ( ) English2•2 years agoThere’s nothing wrong with being smart. It’s the smugness that is annoying and that’s what this whole thing is about.
If you aren’t one of those people than that’s great and you shouldn’t be bullied.
pinkdrunkenelephants ( ) English1•2 years agoThe fact that the smugness, i.e., the confidence smart people display is annoying IS fundamentally thr problem. Smart people are allowed to be confident, to be smug, to be arrogant like everybody else, and that doesn’t just go away because it makes stupid smug people feel bad about themselves or inferior.
And ALL intelligent people are falsely framed in this light, because the truth is that other people feeling inferior or jealous of them is all this is fundamentally about, and that is wrong.
Stop telling intelligent people they can’t have positive self-esteem. I will NOT walk on eggshells around you anymore. I will not change who and what I am to spare your feelings. No intelligent person should have to.
noodle ( ) English1•2 years agoIt’s own form of bigotry haha! My sides… Yep, that’s right. You’re the most oppressed. Right up there with gamers and Christians.
Okay mate, I’m gonna leave you be before you burst a blood vessel.
imPastaSyndrome ( ) 1•2 years agoYou’re just projecting onto an image that has two people you’re “supposed to dislike” and a bunch of words
Quasar ( ) 24•2 years agoI’d rather deal with people who had a cursory understanding or passing familiarity of these things, in spite of some annoyance. Than deal with the proudly ignorant.
doleo ( ) 17•2 years agoGo ahead and post your intellectually superior topics.
explodicle ( ) 9•2 years agoWhy, the topic of our intellectual superiority of course!
astrsk ( ) 13•2 years agoThat’s Broden, Mark, and Zach from Auntie Donna
BadEgg ( ) 10•2 years agoThis post would have gotten more mileage on Reddit.
ProfezzorDarke ( ) 1•2 years agoIn the right communities, yeah, but lemmy is highly fragmented
SwampYankee ( ) 9•2 years agoFrankly, I think the Milgram Shock Experiment is more elucidating as to… hey, wait a minute.
Norgur ( ) 2•2 years agoThey triggered you like a dog with a bell, eh?
Umbra ( ) 6•2 years agoI blame reddit for this
ThirdWorldOrder ( ) 7•2 years agoI’ve got a buddy of mine who is an annoying maga type. Always telling me about Plato’s Cave and he’s definitely not on Reddit. Only thing is he is 40 and not 20 something.
SomeLemmyUser ( ) 5•2 years agoReport for: i am in the picture and i dont like it