• Long hair is awesome, I know that unfortunately it’s considered feminine by gender stereotypes but that never stopped me from growing it out. Did cause problems with my school thinking I was (binary) trans though and trying to corner me with gross questions about “wanting to be a girl” that I didn’t want to discuss with them (was mostly teachers trying to get into this with me).

    • I (M) have a very long often braided hair and for me its always so funny when at my work some people see me from behind and say something like “hey girl”, then i turn around and have a beard and a deep voice. Thankfully i have been largely spared from harrasment because of long hair.

      • Honestly outside of the weird issues with my school and a bit of egging online I haven’t really experienced any major problems because of it, though I’m not sure if that’s because most people don’t mind or because they think I actually am a young girl since I do have a condition that causes me to look much younger than I am and also very androgynous.

  • who you want to be

    No offense to anyone, but isn’t this actually anti-trans…?

    By making it aspirational, rather than what you identify as, this just makes it read as “if you want to, you can be another gender, an animal, a god, a tree, whatever!”

    • Not necessarily. You could also read this as the person in the comic being their preferred gender in every panel, but is just altering their gender expression towards something they’re happier with. Also, not everyone thinks about their gender that way. Some people really have thought about their gender in an aspirational way. I certainly did when I first started trying to figure out my gender.

      The sentence also says “who” instead of “what,” implying that you can be the person you want to be, but not an animal, god, or tree, as those are all not people. I think it’s also fair to assume that the comic’s statement is within reason. If someone interprets this comic to think that they can become a tree, that’s a bad faith interpretation.