It’s discrediting valid concerns against card-payments. It’s invalidating how great cash is.

It’s when the worst person you know makes a good point.

And things now are so Culture-Wars-y, nobody makes solid analyses any more, that when the far-right say cards are bad, everybody jumps to thinking cards are good.

  • The lack of privacy is kind of the point. I can never go back to cash. Yes, there’s a ton of problems with credit cards and definitely censorship issues, but the pros still heavily outweigh the cons. Money is dirty, messy to deal with, change is a nightmare, can get lost, can get stolen, can’t really carry around large amounts, and is generally really bulky to carry around.

    • While the last pandemic investigation showed that those machines where you put in your pin in supermarkets had more bacteria/viruses than cash. Much more people using those terminals more frequently than any same coin or same bill.

      Digital money is stolen more often and in higher amounts. People who are glorifying credit cards do it until they got scammed or hacked and loose all their savings or even their identity. They go from “credit card fuck yeah” to “why have I been so stupid?” within a minute.

      And why would you even carry a large amount of money with you? People who use cash, use common sense in general.

      • Credit cards have charge backs and fraud protection, buddy. You are significantly safer using them. That’s the benefit to them being privacy invasive.

        Using chip is also a bit cleaner then swiping. You also don’t use just a single dollar bill or coin, you are touching multiple quantities, giving and receiving.

        Also your other replies are super toxic and you talk like a child so I’m just going to block you here.

  • the lack of privacy with cards is primarily what is giving you security with them. trust factors will always exist somewhere in the chain.

    to be more to the point of the post, though, you can agree with a person’s singular opinion without supporting or agreeing with that person.

  • There’s a ton of far right wing privacy advocates. For me personally, a social libertarian / anarcho communist, it seems like theyre drawing the same conclusions about privacy advocacy and open source from a completely different set of premises. For me, I view privacy as a right that’s been eroded ever since the advent of the concept of total war, to the point now that capitalists engage in surveillance espionage casually to sell collected data not even to the highest bidder, but instead at commodity prices. What’s the inflection point of supply and demand, basically

    Meanwhile a lot of people on the right wing don’t view open source as a great equalizer, benefiting all of society, but rather as a tool for themselves for personal benefit. I honestly never fully find myself understanding their premises to be honest. But I’ve for sure seen antisemitism and racism arguments bandied about, which is a Y I K E S.

    As far as public perception goes, I don’t really know what to say there. Yeah, I guess, it is indeed frustrating to have your average John or Jane assuming anyone using an encrypted messenger is probably a terrorist. I don’t think the solution is give up, but instead explain your stance and premises

    • I consider myself right leaning but I don’t think subscribing to right vs left wing ideology is nearly as important as supporting liberty vs authoritarianism. A lot of folks on both sides claims to believe in liberty but in actually they’re authoritarians in disguise because they just want the government to step in and eliminate dissent. I have a close friend who’s an anarcho communist just like you and whenever we have these discussions it just stays on a thought experiment level and has never harmed our relationships. Since at the end of the day we agree that people should be left alone.

  • I’m as dead centre as it gets. On some topics, I’ll gently lean left or right, but try to be balanced in my analysis of things.

    I advocate for cash, as I also advocate for privacy. It doesn’t make me far right.

    There are plenty of reasons for cash. For me, it’s privacy. For others, I’m sure there are some solid, and some whacky reasons also.

    The real issue for me will be the digital dollar. Every dollar will be tracked through every transaction it’s ever involved in. From inception into eternity. The ability for that data to be abused is terrifying.

    I’ll keep using cash as long as it exists compared to what’s coming with the digital dollar.

  • We have several stores that refuse to accept cash. A few weeks ago, we had a pretty harsh storm that knocked out power to major parts of the city for a little over a week. The area where these stores are was affected. All the stores next to them have always accepted cash. The surrounding stores continued to have business for that week, while those cash-deterrent stores had no business, and lost their edge (niche market, but they opened first in the area, so people knew them best). It’s been weeks, and those stores still have not picked up foot traffic to levels before the blackout, and one just had a liquidation sale and will likely close soon. Cash should always be an option. Otherwise, we give up our independence from the supporting systems (electricity, internet, payment processors, etc.). On a side note, cash is a lot more private than card.

  • Oh so it’s not just my country where for some reason the right suddenly is super fussed about cash. I just assumed they made some supid press conferences again to distract from some scandal, as they do.

    Having the option to pay cash is super important for privacy, but those people do not have our best interest in mind.

  • This is a non-post, as it doesn’t even bring its own analysis to the table. What are the valid concerns against card payments? What is so great about cash?

    The convenience of card payments heavily outweighs the (i assume privacy) concerns. So what if anyone knows I stuffed myself with an unhealthy amount of chips? I keep my cash for things that don’t accept other ways of payment, like bus fare and my drug dealer.

    I see your point, though. It isn’t solely applicable to this issue; any discussion is mudded by disagreeing just for the sake of rejecting anything anyone with an opposing view on a distinct and unrelated subject.

  • I already see where this is going. The far-right is going to fuck up their credit scores even worse and then blame the NWO or wokeness or socialism or anything but their own stupidity when they cant get a car loan in 3 years.

    • You dont need a credit score to borrow money. I own crypto that i can borrow against as collateral for a loan. Plus i can keep it out forever as long as i pay at least the interest payment. I obviously dont do that, but i could. You do have to be careful with borrowing from crypto or stocks since they fluctuate and you could get liquidated, but i am allowed to borrow up to 70% of the face value and i have a personal cap of 35% so i never run into that.

      •  cobra89   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        You essentially just said “I have money to borrow money against”.

        If you had an account with $100k and can borrow up to $70k against it, that isn’t really taking out a loan as it is just borrowing your own money.

        Your argument essentially boils down to “just don’t be poor”. The people who need credit and to borrow money are those who don’t have the collateral to spend it otherwise.

        You’re just essentially advocating for what rich people like Elon musk do. Take out loans against their stocks so they don’t actually have to liquidate their stocks to get usable cash.

          • The car I need to go to work? Was I suppose to be born with 3-15K for that car? The House I want to buy. guess I just need to dig though the laundry for that 500K I left in my pants pocket?

            I am all about not going into debt but often times it is a necessary evil.

            • Ah, we are thinking different debts. A car is like 7% and a house is like 5%. I am talking credit cards at 20-25% as being the real problem. If you have assets like stocks or crypto and need to replace the water heater you can get $500 at 6% instead of the 20% you would pay on a credit card. $1000 is enough to borrow $500 and be at 50% utilization, though $1600 would be better since that would only be 30% utilization. Plus you get to keep the interest bearing asset while younpay the loan off which you could use to lower your paid out of pocket interest even farther.

              • Doesn’t your credit score affect the type if interest you will get even on an assets lone? My understanding at least in the US credit scores affect basically all credit lines. That is why they recommend getting a credit card to help built you score. As long as you pay it off every month it is basically free use of someone else’s money. That builds up your credit score.

  • Sane and reasonable people spent several decades advocating the use of cash instead of cards since at least the 1970s, until we mostly gave up. Who knows, maybe the newly invigorated crazy people will do better. They can’t do much worse.

  • „ppl i don’t agree with have the same stance on privacy for basically the same reasons as I do and because the media is trained like pawlow‘s dogs they will now frame the exact opposite as sane and now I’m mad at the ppl I don’t agree with“ - the post.

  • Personally I never use cash anymore, because cards are just more convenient. That being said, I agree with the conspiracy nuts that cash should always stay a viable alternative. I trust the current government and banks enough, but if all goes to shit I want to be able to pay with cash to keep my data safe.