• That’s pretty much exactly what I would say. I’m grateful there’s so much more awareness now. But it would have been waaayy easier to find out in my teens than in my 30s, now that I have years of ingrained habits and self destructive thinking. Its like carving wood instead of shaping play doh.

  • Tell dad about everything going on. Don’t stop telling him. He’s the one who will help you get away from the bad stuff that’s about to start, and keep it from getting worse. Things will still hurt, but not as much. He can help you through the confusion.

    And he won’t hate you for feelings you’re already having. He’ll help it make sense, help you find the words you keep looking for.

    1. Do not let Mom ever have brain surgery.
    2. Make grandma see a different doctor. The current one is clueless.
    3. Bust Dad for smoking in secret and force him to stop. You know how it can be done.
    4. Idea of Mom and Dad getting a divorce is a scary one, but it probably would make their and your life a lot better.
    5. Start jogging daily. You’ll never like it, but you need to do it to.
    6. Ask her out when you’re 15. She likes you too.
    7. Start taking guitar and piano lessons. Turns out you have musical talent, you just haven’t realized it yet.
    8. No, I won’t tell you how to get rich. You’d fuck your life up royally with unlimited money.
  •  bloopernova   ( @bloopernova@programming.dev ) 
    11 months ago

    TW child abuse

    Both your mum and dad are using you to hurt each other. The stuff they tell you, the way they hit you and scream at you, all that is wrong. It’s not your fault, and I love you because despite all the evil they unleashed on you, you grow up to be a sensitive, caring, loving human being.

    You have autism. You are not broken, or lazy. You spend your time daydreaming because the real world is incredibly shitty to you. Next time you see a doctor, ask them to speak to them alone, and ask them to get you the help you need.

    None of those children are your friends. They’re nasty bullies and you don’t need their approval.

    Your life gets better. Find this girl in America and be her penpal. Meet up, she’s your soulmate. Tell her everything you know to help her heal, and she’ll help you in return.

    Memorize these dates and use them to make fucktons of money. Use your billions to plant trees. Plant as many trees as possible, as early as possible.

    See you in 40 years. Sincerely, you.

    Edited to add:

    This is a hug, your parents never hug you and you need to be comforted. They’ve never told you they love you, and that’s incredibly important to do every day.

    It’s ok to cry, don’t shut that part of you off to stop the bullying.

    Don’t get on a motorcycle like your dad wants, you don’t have good hand eye coordination or good eyesight, and the accident you get into leads to lifelong chronic pain.

    You are not ugly, and it’s ok to be weird! Celebrate your uniqueness!

    Instead of sitting outside a locked house for hours after school, go to the library and read, you’re allowed to do that.

    That teacher is a pervert, don’t be their friend just because they talk to you.

    Spend more time with your aunts and grandmother, they love you and can help you feel normal.

    Your mum lies to you about a lot of stuff, she’s very damaged and taking it out on you because you arrived a month after her 16th birthday. She was r***d by your dad and made to stay with him, none of that is your fault or burden to bear.

    Your brother is an annoying little shit, just walk away from him. He grows up into a nasty fascistic asshole who blames everyone else for his failures. Including you. Do not ever get involved with anything he does, especially to do with computers

    You have way too much put on you for such a young person. Read these books for ways to withstand it all. I wish I could travel back in time and adopt you.