I’m kind of tired of Google sending me to the same 3 sites whenever I search for something. If not the same 3 sites it’s 7 others that are so generic and boring I just feel they’re useless. It’s always makeuseof, androidauthority, or whatever other sites that have useful information but I rarely feel like they are saying anything new.

I want to see the results from those small blogs that are sometimes linked here. I can’t come up with one since… you know that’s why I’m asking how to find them, but you know them; they talk about nerdy stuff and are not afraid to get technical in whatever topic they discuss.

Also duckduckgo and qwant do the same thing. If there is a way to curate the results to better fit my needs then that’d be great too!

  • I’m running searxng on docker locally, and set that as my search engine on Firefox. It’s been awesome! I will probably start a blog and post instructions… Adding the custom search engine into about:config was kinda difficult. Other web browsers should be easier… (e.g. Vivaldi)

    • You can add search engines to Firefox in the address and search bar.

      Go to the site you want to add, click the address bar for the drop down to show, then there will be an icon for that site with a green plus to add it.

      If you use the search box it’s even easier. If you’re on the site the icon on the left will have the green plus symbol for it.

        • There’s a Firefox addon called “Add custom search engine” which will allow you to add a local instance of searx.

          You’ll want to give it the full search query, with %s where the search string goes. for you, it’ll be something like:

      • That’s precisely what made me install it locally. So far, I had no issues. I guess the rate-limiting comes from the fact of being public. And you can aggregate results from many providers, add filters, etc. I only had one issue with duck, but solved it after updating the container.

  •  forestG   ( @forestG@beehaw.org ) 
    2 years ago

    There was a time before google’s search engine, when all the previous attempts had not managed to become the dominant entry point for the web. During that time, we would find interesting web pages through people and/or specific interests. Then, google came, and for a time it was good (read like The Second Renaissance Part I story from animatrix). Ads and SEO were not everywhere yet, content mattered more than those two. So, while I came here to suggest what @bbbhltz@beehaw.org commented, when I read your post text I thought that maybe, at least for what we tend to constantly look for news, articles and discussions, we shouldn’t constantly rely on search engines. For example, most technologies have news letters, weekly/monthly magazines, mailing lists, community boards or other forms of group communication through which you can gradually discover better content sources (individuals or groups) on what interests you. Without the search engine service and its cost (direct or indirect) between you and the content.

    •  liv   ( @liv@beehaw.org ) 
      2 years ago

      During that time, we would find interesting web pages through people and/or specific interests.

      I beg to differ, during that time I found most of my interesting content through AltaVista and its weird cousin HastaLaVista, and aggregators like Portal of Evil (though, bad example, I seem to recall PoE was pretty much the same time as google).

      • Well, I guess not everyone had the same experience. Maybe I should have spoken only for myself. It’s not that I didn’t use search engines before google appeared or that I don’t do it now. Just the fact, at least in my experience, that I would get to know way more and way better web locations, related to what interested me, through discussions with other people with similar interests, than I would through search engines. Even when discussions are not possible (like in magazines) or are too massive to follow, it is often, especially in technology-related subjects, preferable to have them archived (through subscriptions) and search directly those archives when I need something specific. It was true for me back when engines didn’t have as good indexes, it is true for me now that their role as businesses is becoming obvious. I guess it also depends on what someone considers interesting.

        I did love how altavista translation service was called though, really liked the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy :-)

        •  liv   ( @liv@beehaw.org ) 
          2 years ago

          :) yeah it was cool.

          Sorry if I sounded disagreeable, I didn’t mean to be. I was just taking a trip down memory lane.

          I have to admit if it comes to anything in my field I mostly find good content through discussion groups too.

          But for me, in terms of personal interests and some other stuff, the 90s internet was full of static lists of links, even webrings etc. It was great because most people I knew irl who were my age weren’t online. I could only add people from other countries on Friendster because my flatmates refused to use it and my friends didn’t know what it was!

          • Sorry if I sounded disagreeable, I didn’t mean to be. I was just taking a trip down memory lane.

            No worries. Felt exactly like that. That’s why my mind went to how I felt when altavista’s babelfish appeared, I did the same thing for a few minutes before responding :-)

  •  reka   ( @reka@beehaw.org ) 
    2 years ago

    If you’re a programmer, might I suggest the brave new world of ChatGPT enhanced search via Phind.com

    Even if you’re not, it’s fantastic. It basically takes your input and processes it like ChatGPT but then is trained to run web searches to grab further information and uses that to progress its own internal monologue. The result is a natural language response with search engine like results down the side which are cited within the main response.

    • Is it better than Bing-GPT search?

      It feels like for the most part, Bing just parses your query for keywords and performs a search with them. Then it parses the first page and spits out the result. On the surface it looks like a regular web search I would do myself.

    • Qwant is just a bing frontend with a bit better privacy, bit they still share some of tour informations:

      Why are you transferring data to Microsoft, and what data is it?

      Microsoft provides some of the search results you see on our pages, and provides ads to the keywords in your search inquiry. This means that we need to send Microsoft some information related to your search that allows our partner to return results and ads relevant to that search, and to prevent fraudulent clicks or other activities that are not permitted by our Terms of Use.

      In order to detect fraud, Qwant uses a specialized service offered by Microsoft, which does not have access to the keywords of your search. Only your IP address and the browser (your “User Agent”) are communicated to this specialized service to calculate a fraud probability score. Keywords are sent separately to another service that does not know your IP address.


      Also, the results are Bing’s so they are biased.

      Overall, It’s your choice, bit qwant may ne not the best for results and privacy

  •  YⓄ乙   ( @yoz@aussie.zone ) 
    52 years ago

    There’s no such good search engine. I do all my using bangs (duckduckgo terminolgy) or whatever its called on brave and others but maily brave.The reason I use brave is that because they dont pull results from google and bing.

  • One of the problems I have with search engines when looking for tech solutions is that the results are incredibly out of date. I don’t bother any more and just go straight to the product’s own support forum. Where possible I add the forum’s own search entry to Firefox’s search box. At least I no longer get answers to a problem no one has had since 2018.