Signal pour moi. Je ne fais pas confiance à Pavel Durov. Je suis sur Matrix mais je doutte que les papas du coin vont installer Fluffychat afin d’organiser un truc
Signal pour moi. Je ne fais pas confiance à Pavel Durov. Je suis sur Matrix mais je doutte que les papas du coin vont installer Fluffychat afin d’organiser un truc
J’ai des Creative et j’aime bien.
Oui, c’est fait. J’ai répondu à l’instant. Le truc c’est que j’avais encore WhatsApp il y a un mois… Bon, je m’en fiche un peu mais c’est clair que je suis le seul type dans mon entourage qui fait ça.
Même ma femme qui a quitté FB avant moi a fait demi-tour (elle est de nouveau sur Insta, WhatsApp, X, TikTok, …). Je vais m’acheter une casquette NERD et vivre dans une maison troglodyte…
Je vois que celui qui m’a invité est sur Signal. Je vais voir ce qui se passe avec un « désolé je n’ai pas WhatsApp »
That’s not the Dillo webpage anymore. There is a whole history behind this but the link is now this https://dillo-browser.github.io/
The dev was at FOSDEM a few weeks ago too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFJp8JDg8Yg
I think Dillo is a great project. The whole thing fits on a diskette. Crazy.
Opera n’est pas une bonne choix de navigateur. Depuis son rachat par Kunlun c’est devenu Chromium avec trackers.
About f-cking time!
Pandoc, FFMpeg, ImageMagick
I think the breakdown by decade is a good idea, and obviously keeping a bibliography is key.
You can also keep a journal of what you are working on in case you remember something important but didn’t save it, then you can cross-reference calendars and journals to track down the source again.
Sea of Stars recently added coop I think
I use framaforms
Ah jeez, this picture triggered the earworm! Now that song is in my head!
I’ve managed to get a few deals over the years that sort of fit the bill.
Hollow Knight when it was on sale, for example. But I abandoned at 98% (it goes to 113%, right?). There are a decent number of other Metroidvania-style games that are frequently discounted and are wholly enjoyable (the Shantae series, Iconoclasts, etc.).
Stardew Valley I found new, in box, for PS4 with audio CD for €8.50 and bought it based on the description without any knowledge of what it was.
Many shmups are meant to be overplayed and remain enjoyable. Radiant Silvergun comes to mind, and there is a bit of a story to that one as well.
If you’re out of the loop with French politics, the wiki entry for Bayrou is worth a glance:
73 years young…
On 21 June 2017, he resigned from the government amid an investigation into the MoDem’s allegedly fraudulent employment of parliamentary assistants, initiated earlier that month.
Bayrou resigned [as Minister of Justice] several days before the 2017 legislative election, only 35 days after he had taken the post.
Since September 2020, Bayrou has been the haut-commissaire au plan (a high commissioner of planning). In 2024 he has published a single note. It was in January. Nothing since. Nada. Since taking the position, the high commissioner has published a total of 17 notes.
I live in France and thought this guy was retired for some reason.
I have nothing to defend or of which to be the victim?
I’m not a fan of the NP or the Globe, but I still read the news. Sometimes I’m disappointed with the CBC. I like seeing other ideas, though. I like seeing how the news can spin and slant things. It is part of my work.
I didn’t mean to come off as a c-nt and make you waste you time with this long response.
I haven’t lived in Canada since around 2006. I try to keep up with the news because my family lives there and the talk about this all the time. I don’t use Google News, I don’t go on Reddit, and this article managed to make it’s way through the digestive track of the Internet to land in my feed, maybe on Mastodon.
So, I read it, and I was a little irked by the numbers. I shared it here and now I have the feedback I want.
It is heartwarming to be judged so immediately based solely on the source of something I shared. Lemmy is truly becoming Reddit.
Because I happened to be reading it and it is ok to read and share things from sources you don’t necessarily like.
Now’s that’s the title of a study I want to read:
What are y’all smoking?
Abstract: Akrasia + Social Media = WTF
Different software management systems can interact with Flatpak. I think the KDE package manager can, and the Gnome package manager too, if you install the plugin.