• I think we’re now seeing what happens when the rich have too much control and people continue to let it happen.

    People talk about free countries but is there any country left that isn’t working flat out on decimating peoples freedom at an alarming rate?

    Free speech, Wage theft, the car you drive, the way people who don’t, or can’t work are alienated… even the way people vote are all used to divide people and make it easier to take away peoples freedoms!

    It really is utterly disgusting whats going on but as we see in Wales, Labour is an even shittier, controlling party! 😞

  • now that the government separated the UK from the EU they should put propellers up their asses and push their pathetic island between russia and china if they wanna pass laws like that

    •  TriStar   ( @tristar@lemmyfly.org ) 
      1 year ago

      November 17, 2021

      Thankfully outdated but keeps coming back to the parliament/commission every now and then. Someone should just kill it already, I mean it’s pretty obvious it’s in direct contradiction with Article 7 of the Fundamental Rights Charter of the EU

      • The article is old, yes, the first one from a search engine. If you have a source for saying it’s not in the works anymore, I’d be glad to see it. Not saying you’re wrong.

        Just this month there was a statement from FiCom (finnish organization advancing IT businesses’ interests) urging our government to not accept the bill, so to me it seems it’s just under development.

        link to statement, Sep 13th, in finnish

        • Looks like Spain is still trying to revive this but so far it’s a proposal to start a discussion on whether it should be introduced, so still far from actually becoming law. Like I said, keeps haunting us every now and then.

  • Did they?

    I feel like this is yet another don quixote versus the windmills thing.

    SSL, TLS, SSH, just a few protocols that float the internet don’t support any of the crap that the UK government wants, nor can they.

    So either the entire world spends 10 years building a completely new internet based on new protocols that will be abused within 2 weeks, just because UK politicians are retarded, or… well, I guess the UK will just have to cut their country off of the Internet, a brexit, if you will. I heard those work really well too.

    It doesn’t work like they want.

  • Hey, didn’t I have 50.000 ony bank account? It’s empty!

    No, you logged in and transferred it all to some Russian account.

    what do you mean I have child porn images in my files? I don’t have those

    Now you do after your ex working at obs put them there for you

    So so so so so many ways that this WILL be abused to death. Meanwhile actual criminals will continue using secure encryption protocols, good luck with that.