• i am quite sure such programs allready exists for a long time.

    everything you do on servers owned by american companys will get u scored.

    the nsa has a folder for allmost every human who ever used the internet, and doing certain things will rank u up in score.

    Once your score reaches a critical high, human may check your folder to see if u are just a courios child searching for diy fireworks or a potential terrorist.

    If that human sees the remote chance that u are the second type, they then keep close taps on you.

    And if they see u buying sketchy shit then may come to your door to check up on you.

    Google once had the motto: “dont be evil”.

    People need to realize…they where not talking about themself.

  • I’m a computer engineer with over 30 years of experience. If I’d want to be a terrorist, they can Monitor google, and they wouldn’t find me. They can decrypt WhatsApp and a few others and they’d still not find me. They wouldn’t be able to find anyone halfway capable.

    What they WOULD find is a lot of people just going about their day.

    Makes you wonder who they’re trying to target with all this shit.

    Banning encryption won’t stop child porn, not even a little bit

    Monitoring google won’t stop terrorism (or child porn) not even a little bit

    Can we please Please PLEASE make a law that requires politicians to know what they’re taking about? If a politician votes about banning encryption, he either know what it does and why it works or if he doesn’t know, he.doesnt get to vote.