Somehow paying for Netflix is fine but god forbid I want to watch a 10 hour loop of the DS9 intro without ads.

  • I know this is a silly meme but my issue with not wanting to pay for youtube is 3 fold.

    1.Theyre a monopoly. Google bought out the plucky streaming service on the rise(and honestly if it wasnt google it would have been someone else) and then continued to build up momentum and squash the competition. There is no competition. Daily motion and vimeo and peertube exist, but they dont really compete with youtube anymore.

    Google can complain all they want about how it’s expensive to host 4k videos from anyone who wants to upload and how all the global traffic makes their service unprofitable but given theyre a giant corporation, if it didnt bring them value they wouldnt be doing it and if it is a hole theyre putting money into then it’s an hole they dug for themselves.

    2.Google sucks at dealing with their creators. The lifeblood of the site is that it is the default platform for video content creators because its so big. Unjustified DCMA takedowns which ruin a persons livelihood and are difficult to appeal, their demonetization and essentially delisting from the algorithm of nsfw videos(which can happen if a key word is detected or a specific type of image, that recent issue with the big youtuber doxing another and getting a slap on the wrist, and the changes made to algorithms that hurt creators and shape content.

    Like how the comedy sketches and animators that were prevalent in the early days got squeezed out because the algorithm favored longer videos and a steadier stream of content. Or a case where a youtuber got his own song DCMA’d because another artist remixed his music. And thats not even getting into the poor compensation from ads that means creators need to use sites like patreon to get by. “Oh but if you pay premium your views count more” wow how nice of one of the biggest most valuable companies on earth.

    They also have no easy way for even decent sized creators with millions of subs to appeal or get a hold of them, let alone one in the 100s of thousdands or tens of thousands mark. All ai reviewed and ai resolved.

    1. The algorithm debacle. Its fickle tweaks have indirect impacts on creators and at worst it has been known to feed into conspiracy theories and red pill people into extremist pipelines and it took google way too long to address it. Even when it works well it can still push a lot of the same content. But its arbitrary nature an be a windfall on some seasons for one type of creator and tank another.

    2. Honestly even if all else failed and adblock stopped working I would probably just watch the ads. It’s like a 15 second clip in the beginning if you skip and a minute worth of ad 10 or 15 minutes later. Im not gunna say I love it but do you people not remember what watching tv was like or reading magazines, or have you ever had a bus drive by you? I can live with the minor amount of mostly skipable ads I’d get an hour especially if it means Im not paying.

    • 2.Google sucks at dealing with their creators. The lifeblood of the site is that it is the default platform for video content creators because its so big. Unjustified DCMA takedowns which ruin a persons livelihood and are difficult to appeal, their demonetization and essentially delisting from the algorithm of nsfw videos(which can happen if a key word is detected or a specific type of image, that recent issue with the big youtuber doxing another and getting a slap on the wrist, and the changes made to algorithms that hurt creators and shape content.

      Well said. It’s so hypocritical of Google to say “support our creators” when they do such a trash job of it already. Google makes hundreds of billions of dollars per year! If they cared so much about the creators, they could share more of their obscene earnings with them. Why should it be people’s responsibility?!? And of course, all the things that you mentioned as well that constantly screw them over too.

      It’s just shameless hypocrisy. They have no moral high ground here whatsoever.

    • I still have Premium but could never accept YT music as a former Play user. Why did they end the best music streaming service for this unusable trash?

      Spotify is still worse than Play was, but at least it’s good at recommending music. YT music is worse in every regard. Except for smart watch integration maybe.

      • Play was the best, especially in the early days with the professionally curated (by humans) play lists. I discovered so much new music. AI generated playlists are terrible.

  •  stoy   ( ) 
    101 year ago

    I just find the cost of Premium to be too high.

    Here in Sweden it costs about 120SEK/month, that is far too much, I’d happily pay 60-70SEK/month, that would be worth it to me.

    And would still give rhem more money than me not watching ads

  •  Teritz   ( ) 
    81 year ago

    Youtube does not offer Content instead they offer space to publish Videos and have Youtube Music.

    The Price they are deamding is too high as if they Produce own Content and Music.

    Youtube Premium would only be viable for me if i can be anonymous to buy it and removes age restriction,perma bann for YT Shorts the worst they done.

    I cannot give a Company money that it this rotten.

    Monopoly of YT is just sad.

  •  gregorum   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    Here’s the thing: how much YouTube content creators are really affected by ad blockers varies widely, and that’s due to several factors such as what region their main viewership is in, their subject matter, and how many viewers of each creator fit the demographic that might use ad blockers. YouTube is the only entity that would have the real data on the real impact to content creators due to ad blockers, and it’s believed that the reason they don’t share that data is so that they can inflate the numbers in order to claim greater losses than they actually suffer— and while that may very well be a strong motivation, I believe the primary motivation to be to hide the wide variation in levels of compensation between their top content creators. If the ad-blocking impact data became public, it would also reveal the wide disparities in how much YouTube compensates different tiers of content creators and would make public deals with top creators that have, until now, remained private.

    This so why it’s always discussed in vague terms and as some existential threat— which is is, for them.

    • Nah, just making a joke cause I get attacked every time I say it’s my favorite subscription service. I don’t even use Netflox, Doisney or HOBO anymore. Just vids on woodworking and bread making.