I bought cast iron pan which I think is the best ever purchase I made.

  • The best purchase I’ve made this year has to be the tickets for the “Barbie” movie on opening day July 21st. As I watched the movie in theater (the best way to watch a movie), I was literally moved to tears by the performance of the lead actress, whom I might add, deserves an Oscar this year.

    Fellow lemmings, I, for one, will definitely be buying “Barbie” on Blu-ray to have it in my collection.

    Multiple copies, in fact.

        • It is worth learning. A single two sided whetstone and some basic skill will give you sharp knives for the rest of your life.

          Bonus, keep your cheap knives. They are typically a softer metal that will require maintenance more often so you can practice.

          Also learn when you need to sharpen and when you need to hone. Your knife may be sharp but the edge is out of shape (folded, bent over). A few swipes of a hone and you could be back to 80-90% sharp.

          At this point I use medium value knives and sharpen them once a year. I have no regrets regarding learning to sharpen with a whetstone. I also typically don’t sharpen beyond 1000 grit and it’s still enough for people to remark on how sharp the knives are.

          Best of luck.

          • That’s no longer true. A dishwasher safe trend took over, most cheap knives are extremely hard now. I’ve a nice old set of not quite stainless that sharpen very easily and the ten thousand grit polish stone I have actually does something. Most new knives I sharpen for people I don’t even go over 3000 because they are far too hard to take much effect. My personal favorites are old Wiltshire 70s wood handled inox cleavers and Opinel knives, those opinel especially turn into a razor incredibly easily.

  • My house. Even though we have to pay taxes and mortgage interest, it beats paying rent to a landlord. Also, we bought it in 2020 and it has appreciated it value significantly since then. However, that appreciation is kind of fictitious to me, because if we sold the house it’s unlikely that we’d be able to buy a similar one in the same area for less. So, it’s just a nice house.

  • Off the top of my head no particular order:

    • Proper mop bucket like heavy duty on wheels. Mopping takes minutes now, nothing has worn out in years, very little waste.
    • Proper broom, not plastic. Got tired of all the waste from plastic ones wearing out so quickly. I got one of these and it is an amazing buy it for life kind of thing.
    • Bidet
    • An IDGAF pocket knife. All those times when I was young and just needed a vaguely knife-shaped piece of metal but dad was like “don’t hammer that knife into that rock you’ll damage the blade” or “don’t hammer that knife into the can of beans” or “don’t hammer that knife into the deer skull you found” well now IDGAF. Sturdy, cheap, doesn’t matter it it holds an edge or stays clean.
    • A Dremel. I don’t have a lot of space and this thing is great for cutting random things I don’t have real tools for.
    • Respirator and impact goggles. Originally bought for going to protests but I’ve found they’re just fantastic around the house. Don’t want to breath in murder chemical while cleaning an oven? Or microplastics from sawing your latest art project in half? What about “This Dremel blade might explode if I use it like this and I don’t want to lose my eyes”?
    • Yak tracks, they work. I’m getting too old to fall on ice and walk it off.
    • The right shoes for the job. Walking shoes, climbing shoes, hiking boots, brown leather heels for construction work, eight inch black leather stilletos for getting attention, blue suede boots for getting attention, six inch pink platform boots for getting attention, blue gogo boots for getting attention. They’re all crucial to my day to day.
    • Cats. They keep the sad away, works great.
    • Jars everywhere. You can store spices, leftovers, paperclips, q tips, an array of rocks for making minis, paints, pepper ferments. They are so versatile and easy to clean I have maybe 150 or so of them currently.
    • Air fryer. Didn’t think I’d like it but I’m a convert now they’re great.
    • A growing collection of glues. I don’t know why but the ability to properly fuse shit together unlocks so many possibilities. This is a new discovery for me.
    • A growing collection of solvents. Like the reverse of glue the ability to clean things in specific ways is great.
    • Metal wire shelves. They’re versatile, sturdy, relatively cheap, easy to break down and transport if you’ve been averaging a move a year for ten years.
    • A small sewing kit. Great for small repairs. I’ve added years to some of my dresses by catching weak points early and doing 10 minute fixes.
    • Proper electric toothbrush. Even the fanciest ones are cheaper than dental work.
    • Lastly, a bin of compost in your living room because you live in a city and don’t have much access to dirt. Feed it very slowly so it doesn’t rot. Keep roly polies in there, they’re cute, and springtails to prevent mold, they’re also cute. When you feel sad about living in a cement and steel environment just crack that thing open and pretend you’re looking at a forest floor. Dig around a little see how the worms are doing. Bother your nesting partner by grabbing fistfuls of it and loudly exclaiming “dirt smells great today really earthy!”

    Edit to add, how could I forget this? I just got home and in my entryway there is an 18 unit locker like the kind you would find during a Bed Bath going out of business sale and they’re getting rid of everything including the employee lockers in back, you know the ones. I’m poly so each of my partners and my nesting partner’s partners get to pick their own locker to keep overnight supplies in. There are unclaimed lockers for guests to store small things, and some that are effectively house mandatory junk drawers. Also serves as a lost and found when like partners leave phone chargers or whatever else behind. Great purchase.

  • Vasectomy. Before I got my vasectomy, I had a lot of anxiety that the condom might fail and an unwanted pregnancy would occur. That’s not to say vasectomies can’t fail, they can, even years afterwards, recanalization can happen so I get tested every year.

    Annual failure rate of condom (average use) is 18%, and with perfect use it’s 2%. This means that over a span of 20 years, even with perfect use, there is a 33% chance for a pregnancy which is too high for me. A vasectomy with annual testing of sperm count is as close to zero as possible.

  • Decent quality automatic cat feeders.

    We have 3 cats, and I resisted getting autofeeders for 5 years because it felt silly to buy what amounts to three $75 food bowls.

    They paid for themselves the first weekend I didn’t have 3 razor sharp dickheads screaming at me to feed them at 5:15 AM. I should have bought them years ago.

    • Seriously. My cats are so relaxed because they get their food at the exact same times every day. I still hand feed the first and last meals (canned wet food), but it gives them something to look forward to during the day, even when we are at work.

      They can also apparently tell time now because they get ready within five minutes of most feedings, I like to think that makes them feel more connected to their world and existence.

    • Avoiding 5am starvation yowls is exactly why I free feed, and I’m sure it’s going to bite me in the ass when my two are older and stop maintaining their weight easily. But for now, they’re active and healthy weight even with the free feeding. So we’ll see

      • After watching a Jackson galaxy video on how to stop your cat from waking you up early, I followed the advice of never feeding immediately after getting up, and instead doing a certain activity first, like making coffee. After a month of taking a shower before feeding, my cat no longer makes any noise in the morning and only starts getting noisy when I step out of the shower. So thats a good tip for those who can’t free feed. I also started collecting every toy and putting them in a secure box before bed since she has a tendency to chase toys around in the middle of the night and yelp with one in her mouth.

        • I went from 212j to 920+ and it’s night and day in terms of what it can do. It was also $400 more so there is that.

          It has been a fun hobby to nerd out learning Docker, networking magic, VPNs, and such. It may tun into full-blown Linux on a PC at some point.

          • If you go the full Linux desktop route, I recommend installing a hypervisor like proxmox to make it easy to spin up and manage VM’s and containers off the bare metal.

            A lot more work to setup than a NAS like Synology, but having some more control over the setup and tailoring it to your needs makes it worth it imo.

            • Thanks for the tip, i didn’t actually 100% understand what proxmox was until you said that it is a hypervisor.

              I have a NUC that I accidentally stole from my last job that may become my hobby PC. I will probably try a distro on bare metal to get my feet wet but then take it to there. Or maybe a USB distro to start? I haven’t put much thought into it yet.

    •  demesisx   ( @demesisx@infosec.pub ) 
      110 months ago

      I have a Synology NAS too but YSK they’re an absolute shit company who only does well because they’re the only game in town. They used to be great but they’ve started doing some questionable things in recent years with “official” drives and their customer service is SO bad.

      Also, they’re closed source.

    • My roborock has been revolutionary for my apartments cleanliness. I’ve had it about 1.5 years and I’ve only emptied the dock’s bag twice (I live in a small apartment). I have the water change kit so it auto refills the docks clean water tank from the laundry hookup and auto empties dirty mop water down the laundry room’s drain. I only have to clean the sensors and rinse the drain screen every 2-3 weeks but otherwise it’s on autopilot on a schedule and my floors are spotless and free of dust and cat fur.

    • Came here to say the same thing. The robot vacuum cleaner is the hardest working member of our family. We have a white dog that is part husky that has an under coat and she sheds like crazy. If it weren’t for the robot vacuum we would be knee deep in fur.

  • 25 years ago I bought an IKEA printer cart to hold a computer tower and a UPS and stuff. It was like a billy line, so it was particle-board (aka beaver chow) but at least 20-odd years ago it wasn’t the hollow-core shit like so much of their stuff. I could screw in a mount for a switch and stuff.

    Fast forward 25 years. I’ve moved-house 10 times, three of them coast-to-coast moves, and this thing is festooned with old cable-tie mounts, two switches (hp1810 and er-x) some test-rig APs for a project, a work laptop on top and its 4th APC unit (movers beat the hell out of them).

    Good as new. I’m amazed that the beaver-chow actually held together, but I’ve kept it safe from its kryptonite: water. I’ve rolled it out and around to work on a tower on the top as a workbench l, and I’ve loaded server after server into it as they lifecycle out.

    Barring calamity, I could bequeath this fucker.

  • My 2nd monitor. It’s some 24" curved 165Hz 1080p monitor that I bought from a guy at my university for $105. While not the best for gaming (noticable ghosting), it’s been incredibly helpful for work as it gets more complicated in university. The extra screen real estate lets me fit so much more without needing to alt tab or click on another window.