He just posted this update today. I hope the best for his next chapter.

"I would never say the podcast will not return, as I get bored easily. I will say that it is on an indefinite “hiatus”.”

    • Look what fell off a truck in Base64.


      bWFnbmV0Oj94dD11cm46YnRpaDozYzIxZjVmM2E4ZTRmZTIzMTk2MTdjOWRmNjU0OGIwMmVjYWIy MGFjJmRuPVRoZStQcml2YWN5LCtTZWN1cml0eSthbmQrT1NJTlQrU2hvdystK0VwKzAwMS0zMDUm dHI9dWRwOi8vdHJhY2tlci5vcGVuYml0dG9ycmVudC5jb206ODAmdHI9dWRwOi8vdHJhY2tlci5v cGVudHJhY2tyLm9yZzoxMzM3L2Fubm91bmNl

  • I’ve listened to every single episode of his podcast for years, bought his books, and honestly his material was kinda life changing for me. Went from using Facebook and Apple ID everything to using Graphene OS, Linux, got friends and family using Signal, masked cards, VOIP numbers, etc. I’m sad to see it go but I understand sometimes it’s time for new chapters in life and wish him well. Maybe one day someone else on staff can create some new episodes.