•  Susaga   ( @Susaga@ttrpg.network ) 
    5610 months ago

    Social Anxiety Survival Horror. You’re a guy at a friend’s party trying to avoid conversations while putting in an appearance with your friend so they know you were here. You can deflect conversations with small talk you pick up by eavesdropping, but it won’t work on drunk people, so you also need to run and hide. Your ex-partner eventually shows up and is hunting you down to have a frank conversation about your relationship, which is instant game over.

    •  Queen HawlSera   ( @HawlSera@lemm.ee ) 
      10 months ago

      I actually thought of a ridiculous concept for an mmo, not so much an mmo, but a response to my frustrations with World of Warcraft, and how the most play race was human and the most played class was warrior. You know the one combination that you can actually be in real life, human Warrior.

      It gave me an amusing thought, then if I ever ran a fantasy-based mmo, there would be absolutely no human option, and no realistic class options, like you wouldn’t be able to pick a class that you could definitely do in real life.

      And the first major expansion would introduce the scientist class, and be all about humans finding this fantasy world. And just make that the main selling point you could play as boring Mundane Human doing real world stuff. Just a little social experiment to see how people would react… The humans would definitely have a mad scientist vibe, so it wouldn’t be completely boring.

  • NOTE: Someone probably has developed it, but I’m too poor to buy a decent computer.

    I’ve been wanting the shittiest, most grindy military logistics game possible for a bit now. Like, “oh you didn’t upgrade your Sock factory? Fuck you now your platoon has trench foot” type Grindy.

    I want to feel pain

  • SimEarth remake with a proper geologic and climate model.

    All the newer games in that mode feel like they’re all about growing the predefined lifeforms.

    SimEarth was more about making the planet to support the lifeforms.

    •  Otter   ( @otter@lemmy.ca ) 
      10 months ago

      This is so close to what I’d want, which is basically this + somewhat accurate recreations of real life places.

      Imaginary places would work too, but the main thing I’d like is to have more maps to explore than I can deal with. I could spend hours just exploring and goofing around

  • Factorio-like game where you focus on sustainability rather than being the bad guy in an alien landscape. Need wood? Better replant or there won’t be anything for higher levels of the game. Need metal? You can get it, but only in a few places and then you need to think about recycling what you have.

  • A game where you play a reporter in a pre-internet open world, digging through meetings, documents, connections and surveillance to get information to create stories.
    You could have relationships with people too, and test them. Go with a private story on someone that will get big views and make the rent but piss them off, or keep it private and maintain your relationship to access their connections to try for a bigger story.

  • A spaceship captain game with an AI crew that follows your orders, and is focused on problem solving and exploration rather than combat and resource gathering. Kind of like ongoing episodes of star trek, but in game form.

  • A co-op game set in a open/sandbox fantasy world that is truly alive, driven by AI. You can do as you wish, join a Kingdom as a soldier for example, set up a village somewhere maybe. Become a trader. Hunter. Whatever you want. The ultimate open survival game I guess.

    But the key part is behind the scenes an AI will change the story of the world as time passes. Perhap on the other side of the continent a war wages between 2 factions that threatens to pull the whole region into termoil. Maybe you’ll hear about it from a passing traveller. Maybe you won’t hear about it at all and the next time you go travelling far and wide you realise a new Empire is rising.

    Perhaps the AI decides to slowly bring about the collapse of society through climate change. Perhaps you become embroiled in a plot to assinate a King. The AI decides all the variables, you can only react to them, maybe you can try and change the story with your actions.

    One day you are out hunting and you see in the distance an army marching to war. Maybe you decide to catch up and join the army. Or maybe you’ll hide and hope that wherever that army is going, it won’t come to your neck of the woods.

    The AI continuously evolves the world around you to keep things interesting. Every game will be completely different.

    It’ll probably never get made, it is massive in scope.

  • Honestly? Just a modern, improved take on an old WiiWare game called Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King.

    There is nothing all that special about MLaaK on the surface: It’s just a management sim with a Final Fantasy theme to it. Place buildings. Get soldiers (well, here ‘adventurers’), send them out on missions. Get resources, invest them. In fact taken as a management sim it’s very barebones and not that great?

    The thing is, no video game ever has, in my eye, captured the feeling of being Fairytale Royalty. You have direct control over the king character (who is a 12 year old because. Final Fantasy) – You walk around town. You want to see an overview of incomes and expenses? Go talk to your assistant and she’ll give you a report. Want something built? Point to the plot and ring the chime to call a servant and say ‘Magic college here’. Sending adventurers on their quests involves directly talking to them, and you can read their mood on how they react to the assignment, with motivated adventurers doing better. And when they return wounded you can visit them in the hospital for a boost to their morale and your popularity.

    Also the higher the happiness level in the kingdom, the more citizens choose to stop and salute you, and the later you can wander around your town without your servants going “you’re underaged and royal and it’s dangerous at night, back to the castle now”, because your subjects like you.

    Idk, these small touches made the game feel very special for me back then, I’ve been chasing that high since. Shout out to Fable 3 for the variety of nice royalish clothes your character could try on, but no shout outs to it for anything else.

  • Assassin’s Creed Black Flag (aka AC: The Pirate Simulator) meets Sid Meiers Pirates! Live The Life.

    Basically I want a giant open world with dozens of cities and even more small villages, modernish graphics, and be a pirate. And be able to lead a fleet. And swap ships.

    I’m gonna be honest, due to my niche game preferences, if they could add in ability to upgrade and customize every ship with tons of options, including crazy ass “I zip tied a rocket motor to a group of hot wheels cars to see if I could skate” type things. “I replaced one mast with a trebuchet, and because I like to tempt death it also launches flaming oil soaked things” energy.

    Maybe toss in a ship editor like starfield had, but with sloops and galleons and shit. Things like fake guns could add to intimidation factor, and while fake guns don’t shoot, they need only good from afar. By the end of the game, hopefully your branding will allow you to win some fights before taking a shot.

    And because I like games like Sim city/ cities skylines, building and management games and the like, I’d love if that could somehow be incorporated into things. Both on the ships themselves, and as your “pirate fortress” home base. And I’d want to be able to set up multiple bases, all working together.

    All of the addons being an option but not required to finish since having to micromanage the happiness of Pegleg Dave because he ate in the dark without a table again would get old quick.

    The downside is, because all these elements don’t really mesh all that smoothly in a game setting, I don’t even think it’s possible to make a good game like that.

    Basically I want to be a pirate king in a modern game, and actually feel like a king. In both ability to command what is essentially a rogue nation, and the mild headache that comes with managing it.

        • But that was the point of the DLCs. Fans complained that there werent any truly challenging parts to the game. So you could opt into Nightmare King Grimm if you wanted a hard boss right. Normal Grimm is pretty easy by comparison.

          Still wasnt enough so you got Godseeker mode with pure vessel and true radiance - you cant find these if you aren’t into hard boss fights. Path of Pain was introduced for a hard platform level. Doing these things gives you nothing so it’s completely optional.

          I think this is a very fair approach to difficulty. I love hard metroidvanias but wouldnt want to exclude anyone from Hollow Knight (just give me something optional and difficult somewhere).