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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I really enjoyed this episode, while I do agree that it’s strange only Chapel survived (she should have remained on planet).

    That to be continued hurt with the way the strike is, so I guess we’ll have to see if we will actually get a follow up.

    And I love the Gorn, this episode finally hinted at their intelligence. And the solar flare thing while a bit weird could be an interesting way of using biology to influence how a civilization develops. I know Arena exists but I really don’t mind retconning this. Having recently looked at the Enterprise depiction of Gorn, I feel like this remains in the same vein but looks more lizardy.

    SNW is still my favourite Trek, maybe its because I never actually watched TOS but I feel like even if I did I wouldn’t dislike it.

    Pelia knowing Scott doesn’t surprise me considering she seems to be the Boothsby of the Engineers.

    Scotty being introduced made me really happy ^^

    As a prequel I think this still works, some people say its not the Pike show they expected but I don’t get why, yes we have seen some TOS characters like Kirk and Scotty, hopefully Kirk will get less time next season, probably considering the ships has less to do together.

    I get its corpo decisions but I will trust the creative team to not drop the ball with overusing fanservice characters, having scotty as a member of the Enterprise crew is also imo not a problem. If anything I hope we get to keep Pelia and have him as a underling for next season and maybe build up to him being promoted head of engineering later on.

    Hopefully Paramount will dare to make a new series about an entirely new crew set post VOY or maybe even some time in the early 2300s around the time the Enterprise D was around as we haven’t seen a lot of that time. But I would prefer a firmly 2400s series.

  • WE ARE BACK!!! :D

    I feel like I have waited so long and it was worth it, while at first I wasn’t bought entirely on the action, it really came together at the end.

    I loved the entire part of Spock stealing the Enterprize for the first time of many and April’s unintentional implications for the future. SNW keeps proving it has the Trek energy, yes it might stumble some, I can understand questions about magic steroids (it’s a bit out there even for me but I am also surprised it took this long to have it, but maybe its not meant for combat actually but some medical thing?)

    But it doesn’t change that the quality of this show is so high, this really manages to capture the feelings of the older series, DS9 and TNG but also with a certain high quality to it.

    Loved seeing the Crossfield get another showing and how the D7 has become the mainstay. I like that we get some more traditional trek ships out there. That feel like the older ones.

    Klingon blood wine drinking with Spock was amazing.

    I also loved Pellia and haven’t heard of the lanthenians before but something about the half crazy old lady character is just amazing.

    I laughed so much, felt so much heart warming. But then also feeling my heart ripped out with the memory to Nichelle and seeing that she has passed. I remember reading it but had kinda lost track of it.

    I am so looking forward to more episodes of this <3